Nintendo Heartcast Episode 41: Games of the Year 2012

Noah and Evan discuss their favorite Wii, 3DS and Wii U games of the year, along with listeners’ selections.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 01/02/2013 22:00 10 Comments     ShareThis

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 41: Games of the Year 2012

Nintendo Heartcast Episode 41: Games of the Year 2012

Noah and Evan discuss their (and listeners’!) favorite games of the year, in addition to debating gaming stereotypes and Zelda voice acting.

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Recording Date
December 26, 2012

Noah and Evan

Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:50 Player Input
00:30:51 Games of the Year
00:58:55 Listener Feedback
01:34:57 Conclusion
01:36:04 Credits
01:38:01 Total Length


10 Responses to “Nintendo Heartcast Episode 41: Games of the Year 2012”

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    Forgot my GOTY

    WiiU – NintendoLand (though I haven’t played my copy of ZombiU yet)
    Wii – Xenoblade!!!
    3DS – Kid Icarus Uprising


    WiiU – Game & Wario Feb, Pikmin 3 May, 101 summer. @ E3 they will announced new 3D Mario from EAD Tokyo. It will be the holiday title. Good Feel Yoshi game. And Retro’s western style RPG! for holidays and it will be great. Wildcard: If No 3D Mario my crazy prediction is a 3D platformer from Retro about Donkey Kong?

    3DS – Luigi’s Mansion in April!!! Despite development hell it will be good and the series will be frequently iterated on. Summer Majora’s Mask 3D! Holiday’s we’ll see Super Mairo 3D land 2 if we aren’t seeing a WiiU 3D Mario. I think we’ll also see a New 3DS Zelda??? I bet MM3D is done and just waiting for a window. 3DS Zelda will be totally bazaar and unconventional so there won’t be a feeling of over doing it. Wildcard: Mario Galaxy 3DS?? Sequel not remake.

    Wii – Shockingly some company will release Pandora’s Tower? Xseed? At least 1 more title from Nintendo?

    DS – Will continue to hold on surprisingly well.

  • 138 points
    MaStEr Of SaNdZ says...

    Nice ideas Kisaki, I agree with all of the GOTY’s except Nintendo Land. I agree with predictions except for the Wii U. I expect Monolith Soft (Yes the company behind the Monado!) to make a big hit with the console and push the Wii U to beautiful heights (Everyone knows what they did with Wii). I also would expect a make or break for High Voltage Software with their long delayed first party titles (The Grinder, Animales Muertes, and Conduit 3). There still is enough of a hardcore following (almost like a cult) for the Conduit series and I would expect to see something from them.

    • 690 points
      KisakiProject says...

      I think Conduit 3 will be on 3DS(if at all). Also I really liked 2. I know I’m one of the few people that did.

      So far I’ve played NSMBU & NintendoLand. I’m way more into 3D than 3D NintendoLand with friends has been more fun for me than Mario. Not that I don’t like it. I’ll get to ZombiU soon.

      Also Dream prediction: Nintendo buys WayForward and they develop a 2D 3DS Metroid…..!!!!!

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    Game of the Year

    Most wanted

    All are from before 2012 – Kirby’s Return to Dream Land.

    Code of Princess – I can buy it now that it is available on the eShop.

    Wii U:
    Call of Duty: Black Ops II – I’m still waiting for it to become available on the eShop.

    Biggest Surprise:
    Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge Online Multiplayer – I favor co-op over versus gameplay, but I’m having so much fun in Clan Battle that I haven’t gotten around to trying out the Ninja Trials yet.


    Honorable Mention:
    Xenoblade Chronicles – I have nowhere near enough time to play this.

    Wii Game of the Year:
    The Last Story – I actually don’t have enough time for this game either, but at least it’s shorter and has online multiplayer (So I have a better chance of playing through it).


    Honorable Mention:
    Resident Evil: Revelations – I’ve had this game since it was released, but I still have yet to unlock Raid mode so I can play on game night.

    3DS Game of the Year:
    Kid Icarus: Uprising – This game makes me want to upgrade to a 3DS XL.

    Wii U

    Honorable Mention:
    New Super Mario Bros. U – This almost won GotY because I got to play this together with my wife and daughter.

    Wii U Game of the Year:
    Nintendo Land – This won GotY because, on Christmas, I got to play it together with my wife, daughter, brother, and sister-in-law. My sis-in-law showed no mercy when she tackled my 3-year-old daughter within the first few seconds of Mario Chase. I retaliated by tackling her before she could catch my wife at the end of the next round (You can tackle other toads on your team). Afterwards, my bro and I played through much of Metroid Blast (I used Samus while he controlled the ship). Nothing beats gaming with family for Christmas. “Together. Better.”

    • 381 points
      Hyawatta says...

      Nontendo Game of the Year

      Guild Wars 2 – I haven’t been able to play an MMORPG this regularly since Everquest 2 came out. GW2 is easy to jump in and out of while only requiring an initial purchase with no monthly fee. It’s certainly worth playing. I would love to play this on the Wii U.

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...


    Animal Crossing Shared Save for 3DS and Wii U

    Animal Crossing will be released on both the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U, and it will provide the same shared save feature that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate does.

    Wii U’s Best Possible Scenario

    When the Wii U, NeXtBOX, & PS4 are out, multiplatform games will be developed using the Wii U as the base console from which to port to the other platforms. The Wii U will be the least powerful of the three; however, that will not hinder the development of those multiplatform games. Instead, many of the ports will look or play better on the Wii U than on the other platforms because they will be better optimized for the base console that they will be developed on.

    Consolidated Wii U/3DS Virtual Console

    Once the 3DS is updated to make use of Nintendo Network ID’s, the account on your Wii U and 3DS will be linked. The Wii U Virtual Console and the 3DS Virtual Console will essentially be different versions of the same Virtual Console. The Wii U and 3DS Virtual Console games that you own and new ones that you purchase will be downloadable to and available for you to play on both the Wii U and the 3DS.

    StarFox U will revolutionize the Space Combat Simulator genre for consoles just as GoldenEye did for First Person Shooters.

    Imagine being able to call for help, or rescuing your teammate, when those are your friends controlling them instead of the AI. The other characters are out there fighting along with you anyway, so it really seems natural to just let everyone be controlled by human players. Maybe it can be free roaming, or maybe each player can have their own intersecting on-rails paths, or perhaps some kind of combination of both.

    4-player Online Co-op With Video Chat Through the Star Fox Campaign.

    When it comes out for the Wii U, the front facing camera combined with the microphone built into the controller will allow for the players to show up on the GamPad screen when they chat during the game. Instead of seeing Peppy’s face show up on the screen telling you to do a barrel roll, you would see your friend’s face up on the screen telling you to draw the enemy’s fire while he takes a shot. After playing through the original Star Fox, I wanted multiplayer; after playing through Star Fox 64, I wanted co-op multiplayer; after playing through Star Fox Assault, I wanted online co-op. With Star Fox Command, we actually had both multiplayer and online, but still no co-op. I will never stop wanting online co-op through the Star Fox campaign. I hope that we get it on the Wii U.

  • 69 points
    hattori says...


    Wii U: NSMB (never enjoyed sidescrollers but I fell in love with the the precise platforming control, unlike other platformers with very floaty controls)

    3DS: Kid Icarus – writing, precise control, seamless online multiplayer

    it’s pronounced sket dance, but I’m taking it out to avoid further confusion lol. Hattori (ha-toh-ree), Noah is correct it is an anime character but it’s also my last name.
    great job as always!

  • 45 points
    Georebel64 says...

    2013 predictions:

    -Metroid for the Wii u will be released this holiday season made by retro. It will have the same impact as metroid prime one did.

    -Mario Kart 8 will be shown and it will rival Sonic all star racing in features. You will be able to make your own kart that can either fly, go underwater, glide on water or all three. Your will also be able to street pass your creation through a mario kart 8 app you download on your 3ds.

    -Zelda will be shown for Wii u but not released until 2014 or 15. Everyone will cry at how beautiful it looks, or at how Link sounds…

    -Zelda will have two titles on 3ds. One that is top down like A Link to the Past with awesome stereoscopic effects popping up at you, the second will be a Majora’s Mask remake. Majoras Mask remake will come out in the summer and top down Zelda in the holiday season.

    quick note: Thanks Evan for bringing up Art of balance touch. I bought it when it first came out and I definitely approve of this game! My girlfriend and I were hooked on it for a long time. And yes, the game does get a little more complicated as you go on with different physics and gameplay ideas.

  • 15 points
    dahkwynduck says...

    My 2013 Predictions:

    1. A classic 2D style Metroid game will be released for 3DS (Metroid Dread)

    2. Another installment for the Donkey Kong Country series for 3DS. It will be even more challenging than DKC Returns. Probably not developed by Retro.

    3. Sonic the Hedgehog will have a new game, and it will be a good game just like the recent releases.

    4. Rodea the sky soldier will be released for 3DS, but probably not for Wii.

    5. The eshop for both WiiU and 3DS will continue to get some great indie games and eventually Nintendo will allow sales on the eshop.

    6. Capcom sells mega man to Nintendo, and Retro Studios makes a 1st person adventure for mega man.

    The End.

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