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Noah and Evan discuss and debate Wii U’s potential, pricing and other things the internet has complained about in a 2-hour super show.
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Recording Date
September 17, 2012
Noah and Evan
Show Contents
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:41 Friend Code Page & Game Night Update
00:10:30 Player Input: Last Story, NSMB2, Professor Layton and the Last Specter, and Resident Evil: Revelations
00:31:40 Wii U Q&A Extravaganza
01:24:31 Listener Feedback
01:57:34 Conclusion
02:00:14 Credits
02:02:03 Total Length
Sigh its gonna be hard for me to get a wii u through convetianal means since i ccant scrape the cash together until next month. zombie u monster hunter 3 and lego city top my list as far as games go. right now i wonder if the latest raindow six game or dragon age 3 will come to the wii u and for the latter if it will be any good once pokemon black and white 2 comes out reinvite the resedent pokefan for a hands on first impresion lastly remind ninsage and kisakiproject my freindcode is 0731 4773 0965
I learned my lesson with the pre-ordering of the Wii with paying double the launch price off eBay. It would be a good business idea for Nintendo to have Wii fit U released in January for the new year resolutions fanatics. I am keeping my Wii U like I still have my original Wii from launch day. I look forward to Monday’s game night which I will be off work in time for. DO you think Phantasy Star Episode 1 and 2 will be downloadable on Wii U with functioning online feature? Or would Nintendo try and follow the chronological timeline of release games from GameCube?
Question about 3DS friend codes:
Say someone doesn’t own many multiplayer games, and doesn’t often go online with the ones he did have. Would it still be worth exchanging friend codes? If your answer is a resounding “meh, why not?” then let’s trade codes!
Heck yeah you should trade codes because there’s still plenty of swapnote action going on. And someday you’ll have a great multiplayer game and a built in set of folks to play with.
Hi guys, an excelent show as always, thank you so much for answering my question noah, and im gonna follow your recomendation and start with a layton game. Thank you very much for reading all my posts from last weekend, this is what i really love about you guys, that you take the time to read and answer our questions, i live in colombia 4000 miles away, but in this site i feel like home. Keep the good work guys, oh, and noah, preorder the wii U already!! Hahaha take care guys.
I took the liberty of adding you my freind code is 0731 4773 0965 sooner or later you will pick up a multi player game and want to try it online when you do contact me
that last comment was ment to be a reply to ejamer
recantly one of the assassin creed 3 devs said that easy modes have ruined and someone who shall remain nameless made a video that to sumerize caled him an elitest putting it nicley if you think im blowing the video out perportion ill post the link but only on request as for the ubisoft employee i feel what he said is true somewhat while an easy mode in its self isnt a bad thing it is a problem when its a default mode or worse still like the super guide in super mario 3d land wich i wouldnt dislike if i had the option to turn it off or it wasnt a default option by the way does new super mario bros 2 have super guides if so can they be turned off? one more thing i feel achevments should be disabled on easy modes otherwise it defeats the purpose of achevments
Wow so much to talk about in these exciting times that I can’t keep up!
So I guess I will just answer Noah’s question about Dillons Rolling Western to keep it short. I am not exactly a tower defense fan and I dont think Dillons rolling western is a great example of the genre. However, the mix of tower defense and physical action like rolling towards the next enemy and fighting them in real time made it addictive for me. The game I think is about balancing how much you want to upgrade your towers versus how much you upgrade Dillon himself. Plus the rolling mechanic using the touch screen I feel like is really well implemented and feels intuitive. I dont use the stylus though, I use my good ol’ right thumb. So yeah as a stand alone tower defense game I am sure you can do better, but as a action hybrid tower defense its cool!
On a sad side note I didn’t preorder the wii u in time. I cant believe how fast the preorders went.