Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 99: PSA

3D and you: a dangerous combination. But forget that, let’s talk Pokémon!

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 07/14/2010 23:33 6 Comments     ShareThis
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 99: PSA

Tidman, Andy and Noah discuss why you should be scared to use 3DS, new features in Pokémon Black and White, and address some reader concerns about our Puzzle issue.

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Recording Date
July 13, 2010

Noah, Tidman and Andy

00:55:56 Total Length


6 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 99: PSA”

  • 441 points
    Terr says...

    Great show as always guys :) Ace Attorney games ARE puzzle games… looking forward to next week’s 100th!

  • 75 points
    Hbomb says...

    Hoover’s never heard of Popples? I feel old.

  • 1219 points
    Drew says...

    I’m just going to get this out. I am not impressed with 3d, I have never been impressed with 3d, and further to that point, the vigor with which they are poking this rotting corpse of media technology borders on necrophilia.

  • 198 points
    Evan Campbell says...

    I’m so upset that you guys haven’t played “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.” Andy, you have the game, pop it in and enjoy the next 20 or so hours.

    Listeners, buy the freakin’ game. It’s one of the best on DS.

  • 30 points
    Lukeysounds says...

    So if you are playing the 3DS how impossible will it be to play in a car in 3d?? When you are constantly moving around, and isn’t the smoothest ride ever… would there be any problems w/ this?? For the 100th episode there better be everybody there!!! Get AARRRROOOOOONNNNNN BACK ON!!!

  • 360 points
    M. Noah Ward says...

    I almost got a copy of it during Gamestop’s buy 2 get 1 free (used) sale, but I kind of want to buy the retail game so the money goes to the developers. Plus the copy they had didn’t have a box or a manual, and I can’t abide by that. ;)

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