Drew's Profile (subscriber)
(Member since 05/20/2010)
I am a Web Designer and Developer. I specialize in extreme builds and highly customized WordPress installs, which is how I wound up working with Noah on Nintendojo.com. My portfolio is available at http://www.DrewStrickland.com
Recent Comments by Drew
- Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 122: Virtual Vacation Zora's Domain, Ocarina of Time. I always thought the Ice Caverns were very nice. Also, Aaron, Heisenberg's Uncertainty for DS got good reviews ...
- Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 114: According to Calculations I'm waiting for a Wii that comes in that awesome purple they are using on the 3DS.
- Nightly News Roundup 10.26.2010 What's really weird is that California has recently taken a stance that "prohibition only creates criminals, and is no effective", (See Prop 19) and f
- Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 99: PSA I'm just going to get this out. I am not impressed with 3d, I have never been impressed with 3d, and further to that point, the vigor with which they
- Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 94: Point of Order My Predictions: - If Natal isn't announced with a release date this year, it'll quickly become vapor-ware. Additionally, if Natal does make the show,
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