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It’s our first show after the Nintendojo Redesign! It’s our E3 2010 Predictions episode! Yes, it’s a show of epic proportions, and epic corrections. Dig it.
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Recording Date
June 10, 2010
Noah, Andy, Tidman and Greg
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:13 What We’re Playing
00:24:49 Dramatic E3 2010 Predictions
01:03:26 Which Game Should Get an E3 2010 Rebirth?
01:12:33 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
01:16:24 Conclusion
01:17:59 Credits
01:19:41 Total Length
My Predictions:
– If Natal isn’t announced with a release date this year, it’ll quickly become vapor-ware. Additionally, if Natal does make the show, Sony will probably push the hell out of Kung Fu live.
– Vitality Sensor is likely to be a cheap heart rate monitor, probably wrist watch style.
– Move IS a Wii knock-off. I’m a PS3 guy, and I’ll cop to that, but because we’re now talking about the PS3, I’m guessing we’ll see more fighting games using move, and less WiiFit type games for ps3, which is a bit of a shame. Also, this will be another catalyst for developers to include Move based controls for the sake of doing so.
– Valve is going to greatly hype Source Engine 2. Not really a prediction, since they just announced / teased it this week.
I regret that I did not think of two franchises that are more deserving of a rebirth than Star Tropics:
Mole Mania. One of my absolute favorite puzzle games for Game Boy really deserves a DS/3DS revival. It’s just that fun, also it’s one of Miyamoto’s clever ideas, a take on the old Sokoban formula.
Pokémon Trading Card Game. The Game Boy version of the card game was a fantastic way to practice the card game in a virtual setting. I think Nintendo should bring this back on DSiWare (3DSWare?) and they can even release new sets as DLC. Buy the game once and you can get new sets as they’re released in real life? Why hasn’t Yu-Gi-Oh! done this yet? Regardless a new DS Pokemon TCG is long overdue. Also, it needs to have Wi-Fi.
I don’t think either of those will make a showing at E3, but I’d love to see both of them.
By the way , Portal 2 has also just been pushed back to 2011! No Noah, I’m not trying to prove you wrong, so don’t get mad!
Pushin your luck, WAMPler. ;)
Forget Andy and Greg doing a “bunker cast”. I think Aaron and I need to do one to defend ourselves.
I apologize for coming off as a jerk with my corrections, although the way Noah read my post didn’t help.
@Drew- MS is planning a separate Natal event at E3, so there’s no way it will no-show.
@Tidman- Are they still making the Pokemon Trading Card Game? I do think a 3DS (or Wii) version w/DLC, like the XBLA Magic: The Gathering game, would be awesome.
As for the vitality sensor, if I were on the podcast, I would’ve totally said something like “I could say where you clip the vitality sensor, but then Noah would have to put an explicit tag on the show.”. I’m surprised Andy didn’t. (Unless that was edited out)
And finally, the next classic Nintendo franchise to be revived will be RC Pro-Am on the 3DS. I’m calling it right here.
Yeah, the Pokemon Trading Card Game is still going strong. As a matter of fact, it’s as popular now as it ever was, if not more. The latest set came out in May, and the next one is due in August. Not too long ago I read about Nintendo making Pokemon Online for the pc. There’s a video on Youtube that shows it, but I think it’s only in Japan.
Yeah, that’s actually why I’m a “Pokémon Professor.” Basically it means I can work as a tournament judge or run leagues because I know enough about the trading card game. I think that the card game really could use a DLC version like Duels of the Planeswalkers or something like that, but just because it’s a good idea doesn’t mean it will happen.
Do you have decks of your own? I’ve got 3 and one more on the way. First is an old-school Delta Lightning deck, then a Rayquaza X deck for fun, a BlastGator deck, and soon a Charizard/Ninetails/Typhlosion deck.
Right now I’m playing a Typhlosian/Amphlosian deck. I used to have a lot more, but I got out of the game a few years back and am just getting back into it.
Go get em Poke Professor!
I think it’s time we had a match then.