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James and Noah debate the impact of Vita’s North American and European delays, while also questioning a price drop for it. Plus, Modern Warfare 3 and non-3D 3DS games.
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Recording Date
August 9, 2011
Noah and James
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:51 What We’re Playing
00:12:26 Vita’s Delay and Price Cut, Modern Warfare 3, and 2D 3DS Games
00:23:49 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:36:22 Conclusion
00:38:22 Credits
00:39:58 Total Length
I’m sorry I couldn’t be there again. I was ready to record at 9:30 (EST), but since I didn’t see Noah online and never got an e-mail reminder, I powered down in an effort to save time.
While you guys mentioned that there are DS games that you still haven’t gotten around to, you forgot to mention that there are still potentially great DS games yet to be released.
I have already pre-ordered Solatorobo, which is a potential game of the year candidate for me even with Zelda, Mario Land 3D, and Kid Icarus on the horizon. It also helps that I’m getting a soundtrack CD too.
Alien: Infestation is a WayForward game … ’nuff said.
Professor Layton and the The Specter’s Flute has been confirmed for release. Not my style of game, but I know it has its fans.
And of course, we have Kirby: Mass Attack (AKA Pikmin Kirby), which will be gauranteed fun, even if it isn’t perfect. Very reminiscent of a younger, more daring Nintendo.
Still, I find myself more and more becoming an eShop fan, so for a few bucks upgraded from DSi, I can have a 3DS which will be future proofed for 3DSWare and still have access to my DSiWare.
I’m also surprised that Sony delayed the launch of the PS Vita. This just gives Nintendo the chance to expand the install base and expand the library of games, and after seeing all the great titles being released this year, that is exactly what Nintendo is going to do. And I highly doubt that Sony will drop the price of the Vita, especially since they have to be losing a lot of money per system, just like they did when the PS3 first launched. It took them several years before they started actually making money on each PS3 sold, and I’m sure that the same thing will happen with the Vita.
As for Nintendo saying that they might make some games only in 2D, I’m not sure why people are making a big deal about it. Sure, it has a screen capable of displaying 3D images, but also has a touch screen, 8 times the RAM of the DSi, or 32 times the RAM of the original DS, and the 3DS processor runs at around 800 MHz, as compared to the DSi’s 133 MHz processor or the original DS’s 67 MHz processor. Also, this makes the 3DS around 2-3 times more powerful than the Gamecube. So Nintendo still has plenty to work with if they don’t use 3D for some games.
Radiant Historia was probably the SNES-like RPG you were thinking of… If only that game would get a European release date! :/
Well, at least DS is region free, eh?
Anyway, I’m pretty sure the states have more to be jealous of than the Europeans. For example, you guys have Solatorobo already, Katherine! Why aren’t you playing that RIGHT NOW?
Very true! Sadly the import prices over here are pretty high, and buyers in the UK also have to pay a customs charge on top of that… I’d probably end up paying at least twice the normal price if I went for an import, so for the time being I think I’ll wait a bit longer! :/
Solatorobo has also been extremely hard to come by for some reason. It seems to be sold out everywhere! D:
It’s okay because Radiant Historia was incredibly underwhelming.
… at least to me. Who knew that the world ending could be so abrupt and not-that-fun? (I thought it would be awesome.)
Hey guys, slightly off topic but I know James isn’t finishing OofT on 3DS. I am at the end. I’ve decided to attempt getting all skultulas, heart pieces & upgrades. I’ve never done it before but I’m trying. I actually have the most heart pieces ever for me which is 18. Not sure if I’m gonna get all of it or end up getting bored and finish it. Have any of you done this? Is it worth it? Should I just finish the mission or should I try to get everything out of my classic or just move on?
I also wanna say that I’m gonna be James Defense force. I agree with his negativity and cynicism. Its not that I want to but it is what is.
Thanks KisakiProject! Anyway, if you’re thinking about getting all the heart pieces and items, I’d say go for it. If you’ve never done it before, I think you should go ahead and do it. If you get stuck on a heart piece you could always look up the location so you don’t get burned out, but trying to find them all without a guide is pretty challenging (at least for the first time). I try to find everything in each Zelda I play, and the only one that I didn’t was Wind Waker. I can’t remember exactly, but I think I had 13 heart containers after beating the Water Temple in Oot 3D. Unfortunately, getting all the hearts makes the game really easy……..
I understand everything you guys are talking about especially about the 3ds games not having to be in 3d. The one thing that I was mad about (not you guys) was the fact that when the 3ds was out and the vita was announced people HATED the 3ds price but since the announced price drop opinions have changed toward the vita in a negative way because of price.
Short and fairly uncontroversial episode! So, here is my obligatory long comment.
On the 3DS VS Game Cube
It’s easy for the 3DS to have a better first year than the Game Cube. The only Nintendo system (that wasn’t a reiteration) to sell less units than the Game Cube in it’s lifespan was the Virtual Boy. The 3DS just has to sell over 6 million units worldwide by March 2012. Oh, wait. I think it’s currently almost to 5 million units sold already. So, unless Super Mario 3D Land fails miserably, the 3DS will sell more than the Game Cube did in its first year. In fact, it has a chance to sell TWICE the amount that the Game Cube sold in the same time period. Luigi’s Mansion 2 will probably make it out before the end of the last quarter in March 2012. I’m expecting April or May for Animal Crossing. Which would mean that more first party titles will be out in the first year for the 3DS than were out for the Game Cube. I liked the Game Cube; but it was an awful selling system with very little games that should have had a massive price drop within the first few months. In fact, Iwata even stated that the price drop for the 3DS was inspired by the failure of the Game Cube. He stated that they missed the window in which to drop the price of the Game Cube and that an earlier price drop would probably have saved it. When even Iwata openly states that the Game Cube was an abysmal failure in sales, there you go.
If you invalidate Ocarina of Time as AAA for being a ground up remake of an older game, you have to discount Resident Evil Remake, and both Sonic Adventure tiles.
To the “JDF”
I’m only “targeting” James because he put out the most hyperbole in his reactions. I expect silliness like that from Kotaku, Destructoid, IGN, and other lesser sites. I would rather not see it on Nintendojo. I feel that cynicism is good; but you have to couple it with actual facts or some sort of moderation. Otherwise, it just looks poorly constructed, sloppy, and juvenile. I expect better from James and the rest of the Nintendojo staff. In a way, it’s similar to the Spotto! and Touch Solitaire bit with Aaron. Where we have an imbalance of cynicism. As for the 1 out of 10 for Spotto! I suppose that there are people who resist certain genres of games. I play through a lot of games on any given week and I do tend to look at games from a technical aspect. Touch Solitaire is a great value for people who enjoy Solitaire. Spotto! is a physics based game that really appeals more to fans of games like Bloons, Cut The Rope, and Angry Birds. It’s not for everyone; but it’s still a good purchase for fans of the aforementioned titles. I’ve nothing against James. I just thought his overly flammable reaction to the 3DS price drop was really obnoxious, the proclaimed future success of the PS Vita (which has no real world traction in the US with customers) was fairly face-palm worthy. And the rabid insistence that the Game Cube was the best Nintendo home console launch; despite the exact opposite being true for the system when you look at cold, impartial numbers seemed a bit.. well.. silly. It’s the “Rebecca Black Friday” level of absurdity that caused me to leap at it. Think of me as a bit like a shark from time to time. “Oh! I smell opinion bloood! LOOOOOOTS of it!”
On the Vita.
In order to justify the Vita, Sony should package in a game or two. I suggest Littlebigplanet, so people can get to recreating 2D versions of levels from Super Mario 3D Land. But let’s be honest about the PS Vita. It has no user accessible battery, no TV out, no announced DS3 connectivity, no built in game memory storage, a new memory stick format, and $50 to $60 expected prices on retail games. I think the Vita delay is good because it means they can address those issues. But given Sony in the past, I doubt those issues will be addressed. In the mean time, the 3DS will chug along nicely, expanding it’s user base in Japan and worldwide. Then, unless Sony throws some serious money toward them, a larger userbase would wrestle Monster Hunter onto the 3DS. Is the Vita more powerful than the 3DS? Sure. That really helped the Game Gear, Lynx, NGPC, and the PSP to be more powerful than the Nintendo handheld they were competing with. Heck, the Lynx had processing power close to the SNES and that didn’t help it win. Actually, it came down to price economy. The Game Boy was cheaper, the Game Boy Color was cheaper, the Nintendo DS was cheaper. Now the 3DS is cheaper.
tl:dr: The 3DS has until March 28th, 2011 to sell over 6 million units worldwide in order to beat the first year of the Game Cube. The 3DS is currently closing in on 5 million before the huge holiday buying season. Where there is opinion blood, there will be sharks. Vita is a victim of it’s own bad price economy. Read the actual paragraphs for details.
Noticed I typed March 2011. It should read March 2012. The Game Cube took over a year to sell 6 million units. The 3DS will beat that in less than 8 months, before the holiday season.
Dmgice you have to remember that when the 3ds came out people were mad about its price. The vita was a little bit unlucky with this price drop but they shouldnt be scolded for price because the vita looks like it has a lot more in it than the 3ds. If they came out at the exact same time the vita would sell more also I was sorta mad when people started to tell sony to drop their price. Right now, sony is just needs to break even (no offense to nintendo).
You’re backing up what I said about Price Economy. $249.99 is a busting point for the majority people on handhelds. The PSP launched at that price and we all know how long it took the PSP to actually be successful in comparison to the Nintendo DS which was about $100 cheaper.
dmgice, I’m sure you’re right about 3DS selling more units than GameCube did, and I’m sure that trend will continue. However, if we look at games released in the first year, and not console sales, I think it is clear that GameCube is the better system (and the BEST system for Nintendo.) Even with Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, and Luigi’s Mansion 2, they’re just outnumbered by the sheer number of great GameCube games released in a similar time period.
Luigi’s Mansion, Rogue Leader, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil (yes, it counts. Nintendo said they wanted to keep Oot 3D very similar to Oot, so for the most part the game looks entirely the same, with some touched up graphics. The REmake can’t even be compared to the original as it is vastly superior in every way possible, and still looks great today. Oot 3D is more like an enhanced port than a remake.), Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (a port yes, but there hasn’t been a better Sonic game since), Animal Crossing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, and to top it all off (I could name more, but this should suffice) Metroid Prime. (GameCube launched Nov. 18, 2001 and Prime launched Nov. 17, 2002. No Nintendo console has had better games in the first year than GameCube, and I doubt one ever will.
If we look at this from a games perspective, the 3DS will have Metal Gear Solid, The Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Star Fox 64, Animal Crossing, two Resident Evil games, CAVE STORY 3D, Luigi’s Mansion 2, and more within the first year of it’s life. Yes. That’s way better than the Game Cube. Calling the Game Cube the best Nintendo system is pure idiocy. Last I checked g a m e c u b e is NOT how you spell SNES.
That is true. Somehow, it always comes down to price and Nintendo always perfects that.
That is true. Somehow, it always comes down to price and Nintendo always perfects that. Sony keeps prices up after launch for a small while. when I buy handhelds I usually wait until the price drops.