Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 136: Bearded Lady 3D

Tons of 3DS impressions, as well as Apple conspiracy theories and NPD data hoarding.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 03/30/2011 09:00 2 Comments     ShareThis
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 136: Bearded Lady 3D

Many 3DS impressions on the tech, price, games and more. Also: Apple conspiracies, NPD data hoarding, and a special cohost returns.

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Recording Date
March 29, 2011

Noah, James, Andy and Aaron

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:09 What We’re Playing
00:18:06 Apple vs. E3 & NPD Data Lockdown
00:29:13 3DS Hardware & Game Impressions
00:51:04 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:57:10 Conclusion & Fan Fiction Assignment
00:59:09 Credits

01:01:20 Total Length


2 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 136: Bearded Lady 3D”

  • 690 points
    KisakiProject says...

    I picked up 3DS and wanted to share my thoughts with you. I picked up Pilotwings, Steel Diver, and Bust – a – Move Universe.

    My negative thoughts/concerns with the system would be while playing pilot wings. When you do the plane missiosn where you shoot and tap the “Y” button to shoot. If you get to into it the system jiggles and you lose the 3D effect. This makes me concerned for button intensive games like Starfox 64 and Zelda. I don’t know how much of this is a programming issue with the 3D and how much is the limitations of the screen. On the other hand when you play as the Turbo Jet and The airbike and turn sharp or break and it starts to come out of the screen its really incredible. Or the dive into the volcano holy crap.

    Steel Diver is pretty cool. I love how Miyamoto was inspired by Steel Battalion to make this. Honestly the use of touch screen, motion sensor and 3D allow you to do an in depth sim without having to buy the $200 Steel Battalion controller. What other games do you think can be done like? Personally I would love to see a really system feature intensive mech sim. Or perhaps a new approach to strategy games?

    In regards to bust a move the 3D is supplementary so it never really looses it. I really enjoy the game though the lack of multiplayer is really dissapointing.

    I haven’t been this wowed by a system in awhile. I guess the 3D does that. At the same time the 3D window is way more finicky than I expected. But its still really cool. But lets hope it has staying power.

  • 165 points
    LocoBaka says...

    I never played a 3ds yet but I think a good way to describe the sweet spot is to imagine a laser that’s perpendicular to the screen that’s pointing at you face and you have to keep that laser on the bridge of your nose. As such, I have a theory that the sweet spot will widen the closer it is to your face. Has anyone noticed this?
    I also wanted to point out that I’m lookin forward to a ninja gaiden that is like the xbox games. I played a little of the NES (prnounced “any es”) versions after I had played the xbox version and I didn’t really get into them that much. I got ninja gaiden for ds and I liked it. My touch screen has never been the same since but it was worth it. I did miss the traditional controls a little bit but they did an excellent job with touch only controls. Far superior to the zelda ds games IMO. With the 3d widescreen up front and center and a slide pad, I have a feeling that the next NG will control like the xbox/ps3 versions. For those who complain about the camera system, I want you to do this: progress through the game till the military comes in with machine guns and rocket launchers. Go to the area outside of Han’s bar, put on some good headphones and kill ALL the enemies that spawn with you’re eyes closed. I recommend you use dragon sword/windmill shuriken. I can accomplish this eaisly. I also think that the camera system is one of the best if not the best camera system in a (polygonal) 3d game. If you are near an enemy, it will automatically center the both of you in the screen. I also like how it will seamlessly cut to a different, closer angle sometimes rigt when you do a cool attack on some poor unsuspecting sap.
    I’m gonna wrap this up by introducing what I have dubbed: 3 sentence fan fics. Since no one has done the guitar hero nazi necromancy one yet, I’ll be the first.

    once opon a time Ash Williams wanted to play some multiplayer guitar hero but he had no friends so he resurected a tweeker named Adolph. It was so unlike playing a real guitar that Adolph took a cyanide pill and shot himself in the head (again). Ash was then carried of by an egle he tried to race. The end.

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