Welcome back to another installment of Week: End Game: On! What games are the staff playing this weekend? Read on to find out!
Nicolas Vestre
Despite having Platinum status in Club Nintendo, I hadn’t opted in for receiving emails from Nintendo, which means today is the soonest I could play the Smash Bros. demo. It was interesting to see people on various websites beg and plead for a demo code, and now that all ends. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t wish I had a code earlier, though. Later this evening, after I play a little bit of Animal Crossing: New Leaf (as is my daily custom), I’ll dive right in to that demo. I’m a huge Mega Man fan, so I’m looking forward to seeing how he plays. Villager looks like he/she could be fun to play as, too. Maybe my sister will want to play a little bit of multiplayer (there’s no way I could get my mom to play) with me.
Apart from being glad that the wait for the demo has finally ended, I’ve been playing Pokémon White Version 2 to pass the time. I had left off at the end of Victory Road and stopped playing for a long time, but something pulled me back. Now I’ve taken down the Elite Four and have explored almost all of Unova. My Pokémon are almost ready to get to the bottom of White Treehollow, which has tons of fun battles with Trainers. Unlike other Pokémon games, I’ve only caught the bare minimum of Pokémon (such as HM slaves) to progress through the game; this is really because I imported my dream team from the original White Version, albeit with every Pocket Monster at level one. When Alpha Sapphire finally gets here, I’ll be catching Pokémon left and right– I can’t wait to have a Milotic again! Hopefully it isn’t as difficult to catch a Feebas as it was in the original Sapphire…
My Wii U hasn’t seen much use lately. Yesterday I did play Wario Land 4 for a little while, and it’s an incredibly engrossing and awesome game. Every level is its own little world, and I love that. Admittedly, I love every entry in the Wario Land series for different reasons (except for Shake It!, simply because I own it but have never played it), and it’s refreshing to see that this one is no different. I’m almost three-quarters through the game, but I already have plans to go back and play the Hard and Super Hard modes sometime in the future.
Robert Palacios
I’m currently making the moon safe for all mankind in Destiny. People have been slamming the story, but I like approach of the gameplay taking precedent over playing out a story. I like it when games are more like games and not movies. Also on the schedule, me and the kid are working toward clearing World 4 on Super Mario 3D World with all Green Stars! My boy is obsessed with getting them all!
Kevin Knezevic
Aside from occasionally checking on my villagers in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Tomodachi Life, I’m sad to say I haven’t had too much time to play video games lately, which has resulted in a lot of unfinished adventures. I’m only partway through Golden Sun on Wii U, and I still haven’t quite finished Wario Land 3 on my 3DS, though I did leave off fairly close to the end. Both games have been enjoyable; I’ve simply been too caught up with other aspects of my life to put any appreciable amount of time into them.
Unfortunately, it looks like it may still be a while before I return to either title, as most of my spare gaming time lately has been spent with the Super Smash Bros. demo. Despite only containing five characters and one stage (two if you count Battlefield’s Final Destination variation), it has done a great job of getting me excited for the full release in two weeks. The gameplay is tight and the controls are responsive, as you’d expect from a new Smash Bros., though I hope I can tweak the control scheme to my liking in the final game– blocking and rolling with the R button has taken a bit of getting used to, especially since I’ve been doing both with the L button since Melee!
I also felt the inexplicable urge to start a new file in Eternal Darkness a couple of weeks ago. As with Golden Sun, I’ve only been gradually making progress through it, but playing the game again has reminded me why it was so critically acclaimed when it first released. The visuals certainly show their age now, but the atmosphere it creates is palpably tense, and the writing and music are phenomenal. It’s a shame the game never got the commercial reception it deserved back during the GameCube era, as it’s one of the most engrossing titles– not simply within the horror genre– that I’ve ever played.
Robert Marrujo
Alright, full confession: I’ve been hooked on Destiny on PS3. (Yes, not PS4. That poverty thing is taking its toll!) Man, Bungie has impressed me with this game. People complain it doesn’t have enough story, all you do is shoot, blah blah. Look, to me, it’s the shooter fan’s MMO. It jettisons all the thinking person stuff from games like League of Legends and creates an interconnected world that’s all about the stuff that the COD enthusiast loves, which is the action. It’s freaking cool.
I’m not completely Nintendo-less, though. I’ve been playing Theatrhythm Curtain Call all week and really, really enjoying it. I’ll hopefully have a review in a little bit, but in the interim, I will simply say the game is easily as good as the original. My 3DS has been rocking it nonstop!
What games will you be playing this weekend? Are you also hooked on the Super Smash Bros. demo, or have you heard the siren call of a different console? Let us know in the comments!
Playing through Costume Quest again on 360 because 1.) Trying to get into the “Fall” spirit and 2.) I’m excited for its sequel which is coming to Wii U.
Also, thanks to Kevin’s mention above, I popped Eternal Darkness back in the ol’ Cube. I had beaten it three times back in the day (to get the complete ending) and I think enough time has passed to warrant a new play-through.
Also playing some Madden because it’s football season and I love football.
It always warms my heart to see another Costume Quest fan! Costume Quest 2 is actually one of my most anticipated games this fall.
OG75, is there anything scarier (in ED) than the random phones ringing without anyone on the other line?
I love it all man! Love the voices you can hear in the background. It’s like there are forces conspiring to to get you. I love the bust head following me as I move through the hall. This game is best played alone (or with a significant other), at night, and in the dark. Even with the dated graphics, the atmosphere hasn’t been beat!
“This isn’t happening!!!”
I just repurchased it; next weekend will be a lot of Eternal Darkness goodness.