Welcome back to another installment of Week: End Game: On! What games are the staff playing this weekend? Read on to find out!
Anthony Vigna
I have lots of video games on my radar! Last week, I purchased NES Remix 2 because of the Nintendo’s Throwback Sale and I’ve been enjoying it more than I anticipated. The first NES Remix didn’t really impress me that much, but NES Remix 2 definitely has a better selection of games and an entertaining set of remixed challenges. Since I have both games, I have the opportunity to play the fantastic Super Luigi Bros. too. The game is really just a glorified mirror mode of the original classic, but I found it fun to see levels I’ve played millions of times in reverse. Playing Super Luigi Bros. essentially meant that I had to learn how to play Super Mario Bros. all over again!
I’ve also had more time to experience the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. I still can’t believe how perfect this whole package is. You get the first three Ace Attorney games fully remastered with beautiful, hand drawn visuals and added 3D depth! If you haven’t experienced the series yet and have an interest in visual novels, buy this game! You’ll thank me later. Speaking of trilogies, I’ll also be picking up the Metroid Prime Trilogy on Wii U. I’ve played all the Metriod Prime games in the past, but for its discounted price at $10, it’s an absolute steal. The only thing I’m worried about is having enough room on my Wii U to fit it.
Let’s not forget about Gunman Clive 2 as well! I’m thinking that it’ll be one of the best platformers to be released this year. Plus at a mere $3, it’s a no-brainier. There’s definitely a lot to love on the eShop this week!
Marc Deschamps
I’ve been playing a lot of Pokémon Omega Ruby lately. I just defeated the Elite Four, and now I’ve moved on to the post-game content. I have to say, the storyline is really starting to get interesting! I know that the Pokemon games have never been known for deep stories, but that really started to change with Black and White. I was a little disappointed with the story in X and Y, but I think Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have done an excellent job building off that game’s plot, and things are really getting interesting!
I’ve also been playing a bit of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker when I can find the time, as well. I’ve unlocked every diamond in the first two worlds, and I’m slowly making my way through the third, now. I’ve never been much of a completionist, but I’m enjoying the game so much that I don’t mind extending the gameplay like this. There’s something really satisfying about fully completing each level. There’s a real logic at play in all of the game’s puzzles. I just can’t say enough good things about it!
This weekend, I hope to get a little time to check out Gunman Clive 2. I’m Nintendojo’s resident Clive fan, and I’ve really been excited about this one for a while now! Speaking eShop titles, I’ve also been playing a little Teslagrad On Wii U, lately. It’s a gorgeous title, but progress is left completely in the hands of the player, which can result in some frustration. It’s a very old-school approach, but it kind of works. Expect a full review in the near future!
Nicolas Vestre
After taking my sweet time, I’ve completed the main story in Mega Man Battle Network 2. I have almost every chip needed to perform every Program Advance in the game, all in order to unlock hard mode. For those who don’t know, a Program Advance occurs when three or five battle chips are selected in a special order. They then turn into an extremely powerful attack that can help decimate any virus or boss you encounter. Actually, the great deal of strategy is what makes this title so appealing. A certain battle chip might look (or be) powerful, but if it uses a chip code that isn’t compatible with other chips in your folder, it can be close to useless, or even turn your chip folder into “alphabet soup.” I was definitely a victim of that when I first played the game back in 2002. Now my folder uses just one code, and it’s great to be able to choose five very good chips every turn as opposed to choosing one very powerful chip.
My love of MMBN2 has still prevented me from playing Citizens of Earth! I look at the icon for the game every time I decide to go into Mega Man EXE’s world, instead. Hopefully I’ll work up the courage to become Vice President of the Earth sometime soon.
And I haven’t touched my 3DS for some time, mainly because I’m waiting for the New 3DS XL that happens to come in two short weeks! Then I’ll be able to download themes for my 3DS without having to worry about all sorts of slowdown. My 3DS XL has been taking longer to power on, as the sound comes on before the image appears; all the more reason to hold off playing 3DS for a couple more weeks. I do have the proper screwdriver (as well as a backup screwdriver) and a 32 GB Micro SD card just waiting to become friends with my new handheld. All that remains is to leave both handhelds on overnight for a system transfer. Here’s hoping my Internet connection doesn’t decide to spontaneously quit on me.
And yes, I wanted a New 3DS with faceplates and Super Famicom buttons. Oh well.
Robert Marrujo
It’s been busy of late for me with non-gaming related activities. Well, sort of non-gaming; I’ve been doing a lot of art that has to do with gaming, so I haven’t been entirely away from my favorite pastime. I entered Natsume’s Harvest Moon art contest and hope to win a killer pair of cow headphones. I also entered Nintendo’s Majora’s Mask contest on Twitter… and have no clue if I lost or not! Probably lost. Today, I’m putting the finishing touches on my entry for Udon’s fighting game tribute book!
I am playing a little bit of games, though. I just downloaded Gunman Clive 2 (hope to have a review on that soon!), which has been awesome so far. I’ve also been playing the Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. demo. What an ambitious title! It’s interesting because it feels like a Nintendo game, but still sort of different. I’m burning with anticipation for New 3DS, though. I can’t wait to get my hands on the thing and transfer over all of my stuff. Things are going to get busy in the coming months with Kirby, Majora, and more, so I’m going to have to find a way to balance it all and stay sane!
What games are you playing this weekend? Sound off below in the comments!