4. Karnaaj Rally (GBA, 2002)
Seriously? …. No, seriously…? Is this for real? Maybe I’m alone in this one, but I’m having a really hard time piecing together what this photo is supposed to even mean. This is a racing game. So, why is there a guy with fluorescent hair gasping/making a bizarre facial expression, while a pink car zooms by above? I can only imagine that whoever put this together was high or heavily intoxicated. Either way, the result’s the same: trash– total trash.
I’ve got to disagree. Iron Sword’s box art is amazing.
Im with you on this one, that box is amazing, looks like the mule box, and also like connan, which in my book is pretty awesome.
You’ve just go to know there is a very interesting story about how that particular box art came to be.
Tell me about it.
HA! I never did like Where in Time. They’re looking shocked cause Carmen just popped out of nowhere, but I have to agree; it DOES look like a bad Meatloaf video!
The worst of the buch is the blue haired dude one, yuck!
And the sad thing is, that game is actually quite good. I remember playing it back when I was a kid, and I had a lot of fun with it. IGN seemed to like it a lot too. http://m.ign.com/articles/2003/01/15/karnaaj-rally
Yeah 8.8 is a high review, checking it.