Hello readers, it’s time for this week’s poll! (With accompanying article and everything, how swish.)
With the North American release of Wii U in just over a month (November 18th, save the date) this week we ask you if you’re planning to pick up a Wii U on Day One of release? Have you got one pre-ordered? Do you plan to? Or are you going to wait a bit and hope the Christmas period will offer up a bargain opportunity? We’d like to know. Hence the poll.
Once you’ve voted in this week’s poll, be sure to tell us in the comments’ below about which launch games you’re most excited to play! From Rayman Legends to Pikmin 3… well there’s Nintendo Land and the new Mario, isn’t there? If you need some sage Dojo advice about which games will be worth picking up next month, be sure to look over our Wii U previews, here!
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I’ll be getting one. I’ve resolved to do a hardware review and unboxing video for my personal site, so I’m looking forward to it :)
I’d love to get one up front, but I plan on waiting until next holiday season. Maybe there will be a price drop and at least I’ll get one that’s not off the first production run. Really looking forward to playing Mass Effect 3 again with all the DLC on disc.
if i have a choice, i’ll get one right away… however from my current location, i’ll have to wait either the holidays or after for it to be available.