In our interview with Pwnee, learn why Cloudberry Kingdom (coming to Wii U!) is so challenging. FREE PC Beta Key opportunity, too– click and read!
Airship Travelogues Episode 019: The Roper Report
Chris Roper talks about his years at IGN and Zipper Interactive.
Airship Travelogues Episode 016: Rising Shadow
Learn how Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet came to be, why it’s not on Wii and where it’s going to appear next.
Airship Travelogues Episode 015: Going Renegade
Learn about Mutant Mudds‘ development and insights into Dementium from Renegade Kid co-Founder Jools Watsham.
Airship Travelogues Episode 014: Headshots in X-Ray
Hear how one developer has targeted one of its biggest titles away from consoles and on to PC to pursue success in free-to-play online gaming.
Airship Travelogues Episode 012: PopCap’s John Vechey
PopCap Games co-founder John Vechey shares how games are made at the company, thoughts on Wii U and just what “Pop Camp” is.
Airship Travelogues Episode 010: Supergiant
Supergiant Games’ Greg Kasavin talks to us about getting into the industry and the importance of downloadable games.
Full Focus: Reflecting On 2010
2010 was great for the gamer, but where has it left the industry?
Cerebral Gamer: Money and the Mouse
Epic Mickey has the pedigree to be both a critical success and a commercial blockbuster.
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