Sony Pictures Developing a Console Wars Adaptation

News by Marc Deschamps, posted on 02/24/2014 18:00 2 comments

The Nintendo/Sega rivalry of the nineties could be headed to a theater near you!

Op-Ed: Crossovers and Collaborations Could Save Wii U

Editorials by Jason Strong, posted on 01/16/2014 09:00 12 comments

All while providing more great games for us to play.

News Desk: Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge No Longer Wii U Exclusive

News by Kevin Knezevic, posted on 02/06/2013 19:00 6 comments

Tecmo Koei’s bloody action game will be slashing its way to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this April.

News Desk Masthead - Wii U 3

News: Reggie Discusses Wii U’s Launch

Single Stories by Marc Deschamps, posted on 11/21/2012 03:00 1 Comment

Reggie talks release dates and teases more games for the launch window!

Nightly News Roundup

Nightly News Roundup: 06.20.2012

Roundups by Mel Turnquist, posted on 06/20/2012 21:00 Leave a Comment

Of CEOs, downloadables, and hardware.

Nintendo Heartcast 014: Unstoppable E3

Nintendo Heartcast 014: Unstoppable E3

Nintendo Heartcast by M. Noah Ward, posted on 06/07/2012 08:00 3 comments

Episode 14 of Heartcast offers reactions, analysis and debate on Nintendo’s big reveals, from Miiverse to launch games to the 3DS event.

Cerebral Gamer

Cerebral Gamer: State of the Consoles (2010)

Cerebral Gamer by Joshua A. Johnston, posted on 12/31/2010 19:00 Leave a Comment

As the year comes to a close, we stop to take stock of the “console wars.”

The Console Wars of 2032

The Console Wars of 2032

Specials by Matthew Tidman, posted on 10/04/2010 14:43 Leave a Comment

We bring you a missive from a future that might be.

Nester64x Issue 12

Nester64x: CONSOLE WARZ!!1

Nester64x by Nester64x, posted on 08/25/2010 10:19 2 comments

Nester reminisces on the good old days of SNES vs. Sega Genesis.

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