Some people. They just can’t resist the chance for fame, even anonymous fame, gained through backdoor means. Whether it’s iPhones or Secretary of State emails or, now, 3DSs, the internet is becoming ever-more-so Shady Central for Secret Breakers. Yet what would you do if you were to have a Totally Cool and Totally Unauthorized 3DS in your hot little hands? Would you take the honorable route? The profiteering route? The Gollum/hoarder route? Tell us in the poll below.
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I’d try to return it, and hopefully Reggie would reward me for my honesty. If I’m really lucky maybe they would give me a job!
I’d return it probably because my first inclination would be to post pics on Nintendojo, and I’d hate to have the site shut down, plus it might be a way to score you guys some exclusive coverage.
Man you gotta show it to everyone. Be the Julian Assange of video games.
Haha, nintyleaks.
I’m happy to see we have so many honorable readers, apparently… Now if that 3DS was purple, well…
Oh, if it were purple I’d totally go the Gollum route and huddle over it while calling it “my precious.”
I would cover it in videos and such. Because it’s practically a proto-type without that backing or the proper OS.
I would also take it apart and take pictures.
Then on March 6th, I would legitimately buy one.