We always forget the little ones. Our pet-esque companions of Videogameland, from Yoshi’s Poochy to Samus’ Baby Metroid, are more than adorable– they’re absolutely essential to both gameplay and plotlines. Without them, we’d be nowhere– so to speak. That said, all of us have our favorites– and it’s about time to tell us which ones and why.
‘Course, there’s only so much room in a poll, so go ahead and tell us if your favorite isn’t listed. That said, saying it’s your Nintendogs (or, uh, your Pokéwalker) is way easy mode. (But if you must …)
[poll id=”66″]
Forgive me for not sticking with Nintendo, but my favorite pet has to be…DOG! Half-Life 2’s DOG. There’s just no better fighting companion, when you’re watching him chuck an armored car down the street to take out a crowd of Civil Protection troopers…and we waited like 3 years to see him take on that Strider! He’s truly Gordon’s best friend!
Well, for me, there is no better companion than Prince Tricky frim Star Fox Adventures. Not only did I love that game, hokey as it was, but Tricky was a DINOSAUR, for Pete’s sake! When I was 12, that was so cool. Not only that, but he could talk, dig up stuff, heel, play ball with you, change colors, and glitch hilariously through walls and characters. Not to mention the fact that he was royalty.
(On a hilarious side note, I was just finishing Twilight Princess as I wrote this. I started to write about Midna as being a great pet, but BOY WAS I WRONG BAHAHA!)
Poochy all the way! He can run on spikes… and LAVA! He has a whole bonus level devoted to showing you why he ain’t stupid! ;)
PSH! As far as I’m concerned, that particular stage proved quite the opposite to be true.
*Shiver* Just imagining that stage brings back traumatic memories, culminating towards the moment I got so sick of Yoshi’s cries that I slam dunked my GBA into the toilet.
Aw c’mon, the level wasn’t that bad. :)
And I mourn for your GBA.
I’d just like to say that I wish people would vote for Poochy some more. He’s really our only hope in these trying times :'(
As do I, Mr. Vestre, as do I.