To complement the theme of our inaugural issue, we’re curious which of these classic Nintendo franchises deserves a rebirth. Naturally, we didn’t put every possible option in the poll– EarthBound, F-Zero and Star Fox, anyone?– but we’re curious what you’d choose from this set.
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Looks like a lot of people agree with me! :)
If you haven’t played it, be sure to find a set of Bongos and play Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat for Gamecube. One of the best platformers for the system.
How does the Wii Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat compare to the original with bongos?
It’s DKC with bongos instead of a proper controller. And without Diddy (actually the latter’s not a problem). I liked Donkey Konga, kinda a predecessor to the drums in Rock Band, but they only work for music, not platforming.
I feel so sad the apparently nobody remembers how great a game Mole Mania was.
Seriously, fantastic game. I recommend it.
I had no idea what on earth Mole Mania was. I almost took it out of this poll because I wasn’t familiar with it. Then I saw it was an ancient Miyamoto game and was shamed. I wish I’d tried it… alas!
I guess the closest we can get to Mole Mania today is Resetti in Animal Crossing… :P
I guess I’m bringing my Pokemon Game Boy Color and Mole Mania to E3… :P
I’ve never played it either… honestly, I don’t think I ever heard the name before Tidman mentioned it.
Well, I won’t be at E3, so Tidman has to send it to me or come visit lol. Maybe next year.
I voted for Mole Mania simply for that reason: I’ve never heard of it, and if it’s an forgotten title from Shiggy’s past, we need to discover it anew!
I’d really like to see Konami’s NES title, “Jackal,” get a reboot on WiiWare or DSiWare. I love that game so much, especially playing with a friend.
Well, Konami has been very remake-friendly, between Castlevania, Contra, Gradius, and Rocket Knight remakes.
As for Nintendo franchises, a Balloon Fight remake could work on like WiiWare or DSiWare.
I voted for the Kid–largely so the rumor mill can just end, already–but DK is in serious need of a reboot too. Aside from Jungle Beat, there hasn’t been a good game in that series since DK64, and there hasn’t been a great title since DKC 2.
I say EAD Tokyo should have another go. Galaxy 1 & 2 proved that Jungle Beat was simply a warm-up exercise.
Star Tropics!!!
A new Star Tropics would be great! What has Mike Jones been up to after all these years?
Donkey Kong has a lot of potential to be a great original Wii game using Motion Plus, but maybe it needs to stay in 2D?
Yup. Donkey Kong Country 4 for WiiWare/DSiWare!
According to an IGN rumor, we’ll be seeing Donkey Kong return courtesy of Retro Studios. I personally hope this isn’t true, as I’d much rather see Retro create a new IP. At the same time, I have faith in Retro doing something awesome with Kong, if that really is the case.
I called DKC!!!!
Looks like DK and the Kid both get rebirths! Also, Zelda may not be getting a full fledged rebirth, but Zelda Ocarina of Time is in 3D, baby!