While the focus of the gaming industry may be squarely on the year-end release of Wii U, there are a few titles still making their way to Wii before it finally bows out. One is the critically acclaimed The Last Story (even if we do say so ourselves) while the other is the comparatively under-played Kirby’s Dream Collection, a six-game pack that includes Kirby’s Dreamland 1, 2 and 3 as well as Kirby’s Adventure, Kirby Super Star and Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. This pink puffball-fest will be releasing in North America on September 16th along with the standard artwork, music and other such bonuses we’ve come to expect from these collections.
Now as much as we love Kirby (every year it’s a fight between Mel and Noah over who gets to go to the Halloween party dressed as him…) we found ourselves wondering this week, “What other franchises would you like to see immortalized in a anniversary collection?” Some franchises like Metroid outdate Kirby but didn’t get the attention they deserved at the time whereas other franchises aren’t quite at 20 but have plenty of offerings we’d like to play again!
This week’s poll asks you which Nintendo franchise you’d like to see be given the anniversary collection works. After you’ve voted in the poll, be sure to let us know why your pick should have a special compilation released and if we’ve missed your top pick then be sure to tell us all about in the comments section below!
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How about a Mother/EarthBound collection? The 25th anniversary of the Mother series is coming up in 2014… All three games on one disc shouldn’t be too hard to do. I know that EarthBound has licensing issues, but hopefully they can be worked out by then?
Wario Land and Wars forgive me… I’d give just about anything to be able to play the original Star Fox on modern hardware. I also missed Assault completely, and if there was any sort of chance at all for Star Fox 2 to finally be released, then I can’t help but vote Star Fox.
I actually hope it becomes pretty common to see Anniversary Collection games. As much as it irritates me to re-pay for games (I’ve bought Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time so many times each…) it’s better than losing access to the classics just because the old machines are no longer in the modern entertainment center or pocket…
I went for Wario Land, even if they’re mostly going to be available on the eShop eventually. But seeing a remake of the Virtual Boy Wario Land would be awesome!
Seeing The Legendary Starfy on 3DS as a collection would be nice, but I didn’t vote for that because I’ve imported Starfy 2-4 and bought The Legendary Starfy when it came out in North America. It would really help to have those lengthy conversations translated into English! :P