In the ’90s, FMV games seemed to be the next big thing. Titles like The Night Trap on Sega CD promised a blurring the line between video games and actual films. Unfortunately, despite the novelty, most FMV games came across kind of cheesy, and the fad quickly faded. The genre has seen a bit of a renaissance of late, however, with the recent announcement of Late Shift and the release of the first FMV title on Switch, The Bunker, which is now available for purchase!
Critically-acclaimed upon its initial release in 2016, The Bunker follows protagonist John as he explores a bunker following a nuclear fallout. The title certainly appears to be a step above the type of FMV games once offered on Sega CD. Filmed on location inside a real-life nuclear bunker in Essex, England, The Bunker features a handful of experienced Hollywood actors and a disturbing narrative.
We’ll have a full review of The Bunker in the very near future! In the meantime, let us know if you plan on checking out the title in the comments below!
Source: Wales Interactive PR