Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge was one of the surprise hits of 2022. Reigniting TMNT’s status as a premier brand for brawler video games, Shredder’s Revenge is a true delight—and the game isn’t quite done thrilling fans just yet, either. Announced the other day, Dimension Shellshock is a free DLC expansion that will bring new content to Shredder’s Revenge. While we already knew that fan-favorite Miyamoto Usagi and multiple additional color palettes are on the way, we now also know that a Survival Mode is coming, too. Take a look:
The new trailer shows off how the turtles will be traveling across various new dimensions taking on foes and collecting crystals. The brothers will be able to transform into some of their enemies, which will surely add some interesting quirks to combat. Beyond that, we also got a further look at all of the different unlockable skins (or “oozy hues” as Dotemu puts it) that the TMNT will be able to wear, many of which are based on old games and cartoons. Sadly, there’s still no word on when in 2023 Dimension Shellshock will drop, but we’ll keep you all posted.
Source:Â Dotemu Website