Rumor: Sony is Developing a New Handheld PlayStation

Sony wants a round two with Nintendo!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 11/25/2024 21:13 Comment on this     ShareThis

My, oh my, but is that the sound of games journalists eating crow? Along with the now-years-old proclamations about video game consoles going the way of the dodo circa PlayStation 3/Xbox 360/Wii never coming to fruition, the notion that handheld devices will be kicking the bucket seems to also be amounting to so much nothing. If Bloomberg is to be believed, Sony is now working on creating a new handheld PlayStation device based on its PlayStation Portal peripheral. This news comes after word that Microsoft itself is also working on making a portable Xbox device.


It only makes sense given how insanely popular Nintendo Switch has been since it launched back in 2017. While the market has indeed changed over the years, gamers have shown a persistent desire for dedicated gaming devices. While Sony abandoned PlayStation Vita back in 2019, it seems that with Nintendo continuing to do gangbusters with Switch, and the prospect of Switch 2 on the horizon continuing the company’s reign at the top, the Distinguished Competition wants back in. Alas, we’re apparently years away from seeing this device come to stores, but as we learn more, we’ll be sure to share it with all of you.

Source: Bloomberg

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