Founder of Tango Gameworks Shinji Mikami has reportedly started a new studio. In an IGN report, it was shown that Shinji Mikami was listed on the company’s creator tab. Mikami’s bio seems to establish that this new studio, Kamuy Inc., is indeed his. There are no other details and there has yet to be a statement about the studio’s founding.
In February of 2023, Mikami left Tango Gameworks, 13 years after he founded the studio. Tango Gameworks was founded after Mikami spent around two decades at Capcom and a short period of time at PlatinumGames. At Capcom he directed both the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil 4 which are available on Switch along with almost all of the other Resident Evil games. In more recent times, he directed the launch of Evil Within, as well as Ghostwire: Tokyo in 2022 and Hi-Fi Rush (which might come to Switch) in 2023.
Will Kamuy make games for Switch or its successor? We’ll have to wait and see.
Source: IGN
This article was written by a Nintendojo, Jr. Contributor. You can learn more about the initiative here.