Pokémon and McDonald’s are back with another collaboration with the new “Dragon Discovery” Happy Meals launching today!

- #001: Charizard
- #002: Pikachu (holo)
- #003: Miraidon (holo)
- #004: Jigglypuff
- #005: Hatenna
- #006: Dragapult
- #007: Quagsire
- #008: Koraidon (holo)
- #009: Umbreon
- #010: Hydreigon (holo)
- #011: Roaring Moon (holo)
- #012: Dragonite (holo)
- #013: Eevee
- #014: Rayquaza
- #015: Drampa (holo)
This promotion runs from January 21 to February 24, so act quickly if you’re interested! We wish you the best of luck in your search!
Source: McDonald’s X Account
This article was written by a Nintendojo, Jr. Contributor. You can learn more about the initiative here.