Ryu and Roy Rumored to Be on the Way To Super Smash Bros.

Update: A new source adds some weight to the rumor!

By Anthony Pershkin. Posted 04/15/2015 16:00 3 Comments     ShareThis

Update: A website by the name of Cutting Room Floor has weighed in on the rumor. The website specializes in digging through code to find content that has either been hidden in games or left unused. According to the site, there are sound files for Ryu, which were added in the latest update for the title. They have not commented on Roy, however. Stay tuned to Nintendojo where we’ll continue to offer more information as it becomes available!

Super Smash Bros. is now practically open to countless possibilities for new additions to its roster, thanks to the most recent Nintendo Direct, where Nintendo announced a poll to get your favorite characters into the games. But, even with that in mind, some rumors still feel very odd. For example: apparently, Ryu from the Street Fighter series and Roy from Fire Emblem could be new DLC fighters.

According to a modder at Reddit, who’s been digging through the source files of the new Smash update, there are very interesting sound files that can be interpreted as Roy’s victory sound and Ryu’s stage music from Street Fighter II. Another Fire Emblem character would fit into the roster just fine, but the addition of Ryu is quite questionable. That said, if Mega Man can resurrect himself in Smash, then Street Fighter’s most recognizable character might as well, too.

Do you think this rumor could be true? Let us know your thoughts on the matter in the comments below.

Source: Nintendo Life

3 Responses to “Ryu and Roy Rumored to Be on the Way To Super Smash Bros.

  • 156 points
    excaliburguy says...

    As much as I would like to believe our boy Roy is making a return, I think there’s very slim chance that this rumor has any validity. Reddit is hardly a credible source for anything, especially leaks.

    • 1570 points
      penduin says...

      Yeah I’m not holding my breath. The victory screen jingle is straight from the arcade game rather than Smash-sounding (big brass and orchestra), which is very suspicious.

      That said, Ryu would be a fantastic addition! I have to wonder if the inputs would remain purely Smash or if some Street Fighter joystick motions might sneak in, even as optional easter eggs.

      It would be great to see Roy back too, not that we’re exactly hurting for Fire Emblem characters. :^)

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