Netflix on Wii Goes Disc-Free
In a recent press release, Nintendo and Netflix announced the release of a Netflix channel on Wii’s Shop Channel. The download will of course be free and make the disc currently needed to stream movies completely unnecessary.
Also in the press release, Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America president, revealed that 3 million Wii owners have used netflix on their systems.

Source: Nintendo
Konami Announces More 3DS Titles
In another press release, this one from Konami, a few more 3DS titles were revealed. While Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater and Pro Evolution Soccer have been known about for a while, Konami confirmed two more entries that are sure to please fans of the company’s classic series. 3DS will play host to a new Frogger title as well as a new Contra; gamers will now get to experience leaping amphibians and ridiculously challenging shooters in glorious 3D.
Officially, the press release was only for Europe, but considering the history of these franchises and their widespread appeal, US releases are highly likely.
Source: Konami
This Week’s Downloadable Goodies
The internets have once again been updated with new downloadable releases for Wii and DSi, and this week’s offerings cover all of Nintendo’s bases. The oft-neglected Virtual Console has been given Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, a simplified take on the classic series originally released for SNES. Both WiiWare and DSiWare are dominated by a plethora of varied puzzle games, including a few published by Nintendo itself, though a couple non-gaming offerings have found their way in as well; Happy Holidays Halloween for WiiWare allows gamers to design and send Halloween cards, while Music on: Playing Piano is the latest music teaching tool to find its way to DSiWare. Here’s the full list of this week’s titles and prices.

Virtual Console
- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (800 points)
- ThruSpace (800 points)
- Happy Holidays Halloween (500 points)
- Snapdots (500 points)
- Armada (500 points)
- Academy: Tic-Tac-Toe (200 points)
- Music on: Playing Piano (200 points)
Source: Nintendo
I’ve still yet to try Netflix… but this makes it all the more appealing. I remember Andy and others telling me that the disc-based version for Wii and PS3 was better than the streaming 360 version. Do you think Wii will still have a superior setup or now it’ll be on par with 360’s experience?
It’s better now, not having to switch out the disc (game or otherwise) every time I want to watch a movie. They also updated it. Netflix lacked a proper search engine before. I had to go online elsewhere previously to search for a specific title, or just browse their selections.
I’m still waiting for Netflix to start renting games. I fear for Blockbuster’s flickering lifespan, and Gamefly’s too expensive (twice the price of everyone else).
Yeah! WHY doesn’t Netflix rent games?! I really don’t get that. I’d take them even without a manual if I could rent them. Must be some kind of price differential thing; not getting the games back is expensive, and maybe they don’t get them at the same buy-in-bulk prices that they get movies for. Either way I don’t like having to subscribe to two different services if I want to rent movies and games.
Apparently red box is going to start renting games, so maybe that’s worth checking out, but it doesn’t beat the convenience of netflix’s mailer service.
If it’s anything like the hassle of ordering video games at the library I used to work out, no one discounts video games and they go out of print very quickly. Those would be my guesses.