Angry Birds flies onto 3DS
Love it or hate it, the Angry Birds series has been somewhat of a phenomenon. It’s deceptively simple gameplay has kept mobile gamers hooked, whether you use Android or iPhone. For those of you that have resisted the urge to download the App, though, good news: it’s heading to Nintendo 3DS! That’s not all, though, as it wont just be one game we’ll be getting, it’s three.
Rovio, the game’s creator, have announced plans to release the trilogy (composed of Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons and Angry Birds Rio) on 3DS in time for Christmas. If you have already got the app on your phone, don’t fret; this version is remastered, featuring never before seen content, cinematic scenes, and altered backgrounds. If that is not enough, it will also make use of the handheld’s StreetPass function, as well as (obviously) 3D visuals. Will this game rule the roost, or is this fad as dead as a dodo? (Okay, that’s enough bird puns)

David Attenborough’s new Documentary debuts on 3DS
It may not sound very exciting at first, and documentary series may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Sir David Attenborough’s new nature documentary will see a debut of sorts on the 3DS later this month. Around a year in the making, the documentary series, entitles Kingdom of Plants 3D will have an exclusive clip available for download on July 28th – the same day of the 3DS XL’s release. Filmed at London’s world-famous Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, the series documents the secret life of plants, much in a similar vein to award-winning shows such as Blue Planet, Planet Earth and Frozen Planet.

While this isn’t gaming news as such, it does highlight the increasing use of 3D technology in television and film, something which the 3DS and 3DS XL are uniquely able to utilise without the use of special glasses. The fact that this clip was specially edited specifically for preview on Nintendo’s handheld – months ahead of its cinematic release in Winter this year- suggests an initiative by outside companies to bring more than just games to the 3DS. In spite of all that, if it gets a few younger gamers interested in nature, then what’s the harm?
Source: Market Watch.
Project Sora closes down
Project Sora, the development team behind Kid Icarus: Uprising has been shut down, ending rumours that they were to be working on the upcoming Wii U instalment of the Super Smash Bros. series. Closed down since June 30th for reasons as yet unknown, the team was a subsidiary of Sora Ltd., meaning that it is simply the team involved with Kid Icarus: Uprising that have been dissolved. The company itself will still be working on the upcoming game, with help from Namco Bandai, essentially meaning that the same company will be developing the game, just not the same people in the company that we thought.
Source: Shogun Gamer