Game Critics Announce Their “Best of E3 2012” Nominees
The shortlist includes the future of Nintendo on seven occasions (by an exclusives-only count). Reported here are those six games, as number seven was for Wii U itself. See the source link for the full list.
Under Best Handheld/Mobile Game:
– Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon for 3DS
– New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS
Under Best Hardware/Peripheral:
– Wii U
Under Best Strategy Game:
– Pikmin 3 for Wii U
Under Best Social/Casual Game:
– Game & Wario (working title) for Wii U
– Nintendoland for Wii U
Under Best Motion Simulation Game:
– Wii Fit U for Wii U
One has to wonder what Nintendo thinks of these headings and attributions. Nintendoland a casual game? I suppose so… And the Pikmin series has long trumped categorization, though strategy is perhaps the fairest label. Strangely absent is Ubisoft’s ZombiU.
If you’re looking for a good omen, seven is considered a holy number by many of our world’s cultures. Notably, it is the number of openings in the human face… Granted, you really need to be looking for a good omen here.
Or practice patience. Winners will be announced on June 26th.
Source: Kotaku
Ubisoft’s Tony Key Explains How ZombiU Came to Be
Those zombies you’ll be fighting against tooth and nail are built on the same engine that made… adorable Rabbids? The same studio was behind ZombiU‘s ancestor, a game dubbed Killer Freaks from Outer Space (sounds low-key, right?). As the team experimented with Wii U’s GamePad tech, the idea was born:
“The more we got into developing specifically for the GamePad, the more we realized how absolutely ideal it is for survival horror. The fact that you have to keep your eyes on two screens at once, it’s incredibly scary.”
Damn scary, we should all hope. Be sure to check out our own Andy’s Hoover’s preview of the game here.
Source: MyNintendoNews