Nightly News Roundup: 05.11.2012

3DS continues to dominate, Wii U may not have circle pads anymore, and Spyro struggles no more!

By Dustin Grissom. Posted 05/11/2012 23:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Nightly News Roundup

3DS Continues To obliterate Vita In Japan

The 3DS unsurprisingly continues to dominate in Japan, while the Vita has minimal successes (it is being outsold by both the dying Wii and the assumed-to-be-dead PSP). Below you can check out the top 8 best selling hardware in Japan through April 30 and May 6.

1. 3DS: 91,868 (74,282)
2. PS3: 23,478 (21,114)
3. PSP: 20,033 (22,457)
4. Wii: 15,789 (9,200)
5. PSV: 10,583 (12,299)
6. PS2: 1,611 (1,395)
7. X360: 1,420 (1,327)
8. DSi LL: 1,097 (895)
9. DSi: 814 (717)

As you can see (if you have awesome math skills…), the 3DS is selling more than the Vita in Japan with a ratio of more than 8 to 1!

Source: GamesRadar

Wii U To Have Updated Circle Pads?

I don’t know about you, but one of the things that bummed me out most with the Wii U’s E3 showing was the return of the 3DS’ circle pads on the Wii U controller. It’s all fine and dandy on a handheld system like the 3DS, but with a console, I just want more precise control. It looks like Nintendo may be fixing this issue with a recently filed patent. Check it out below:

Wii U’s circle pads are starting to look more like analogue sticks…

This all makes sense with some recent rumors flying around that Nintendo will be updating the Wii U’s circle pads to be clickable, not unlike the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3’s analogue sticks.

Source: GoNintendo

Activision Estimates Skylanders Figures Are #1 Selling Action Figures

In a recent quote by Activision CEO Bobby Kotick, it is revealed that Skylanders may have trumped Star Wars figures as the best selling action figure line. These toys really took off, I would have never guessed that Spyro would come back with such a bang, even if he isn’t the main character of the brand anymore.

“Based on our internal estimates, we believe that Skylander’s toys sales in the first quarter exceeded those of Star Wars, the #1 action figure line.” – Activision CEO Bobby Kotick

Source: Spong

One Response to “Nightly News Roundup: 05.11.2012”

  • 96 points
    morpha says...

    Oh thank the lord! I was not interested in circle pads. Took me long enough to get used to the one on the 3ds as it was.

    I did hear somewhere that the WiiU’s circle pads were clickable. Dunno if thats true… Guess Ill wait till e3

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