Hey boys and girls and welcome back to Fan Service — where the best of fandom gets it props and the worst of fandom gets its knocks. It has been a few weeks since the last Fan Service due to a combination of finals and our Top 100 project, but I’m back and ready to take on more of the quirky side of gaming — the fandom. And in today’s edition, we will be taking a look at the divisive questions and arguments that plague fandoms to a point where it becomes a broken base. These arguments range from the legitimately concerning to the brain-numbingly stupid… actually most of them are brain-numbingly stupid… some just are easier to deal with.
These five, are in my opinion, the stupidest and most ridiculous arguments, regardless of whatever I may believe. These ones make you wonder not only if you’re the only sane person in the world but also why would someone actually take time to think this out. So, in no particular order, here are the 5 Stupidest Arguments in Nintendo Fandom. This list is in no particular order because it’s hard to rank the stupidest arguments of all time when all you want to say is “What… what…. no seriously, what?”
Without further ado, here are the 5 Stupidest Flame Wars in Nintendo fandom. Other arguments that just missed the cut include whines about characters NOT included in Smash Bros (Geno, Mewtwo, Mega Man among others), the divisive nature of Krystal and Star Fox Adventures in general, and countless game mechanic changes (cel shading in Wind Waker, shooter genre for Metroid, etc.).
To check out the first of the five silliest Nintendo flame wars, head over to the next page!
One more from the peanut gallery: Metroid Other M. It’s not my favorite Metroid, but it’s by no means bad, and how it’s so divisive I’ll never understand.
The theory for the three beasts is that they were the orignial three eveelutions, so this may be where the argument should be: are the original evolutions cats, dogs, or maybe even a mix. overall this flame war is really stupid but I enjoy it just because of the jokes that come from it.