Nintendo Zone offers free Wi-Fi in Europe
3DS owners can now connect to the internet at over 25,000 locations across Europe. In addition to allowing users to access the web browser and the eShop, Nintendo Zone also includes downloadable SpotPass data. This service is available at major UK airports and fast food locations. In order to access Nintendo Zone, users must download the most recent firmware update.
Source: Eurogamer
UK: Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy gets a release date
Square Enix confirmed that Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy will be released on July 6 for 3DS. Amazon pre-orders will also receive a special stylus as well as 17 stickers featuring Final Fantasy characters.
Source: My Nintendo News
100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 reaches its goal
Today, the Facebook page 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 reached its goal of 100,000 supporters. The page was created on July 18, 2011, the same day that Capcom announced that the project was being cancelled. The page administrators released the following statement:
Today, the accomplishment of 100,000 Strong is truly reflective of an outstanding community that has worked hard for excellence every day.
We came together and self-funded our campaign to the tune of $1,100 on
In addition, a famous Mega Man fan in Japan, CAPKobun, has recognized our accomplishment and stands with us. He was the winner of Capcom’s official Mega Man Legends 3 Mech Design contest. In the event Mega Man Legends 3 were revived, he waives all copyright of his design to Capcom in the attached document.
We are all here because we love Mega Man Legends. If you have a story to share, please share it on:
TheMoon_reached_100,000_people_We_love_Mega_Man_Legends!?sdb=1Capcom needs to hear our voice. Keep it classy, and as always, Legends Never Die!
Expect a special Roll’s Wrapup later tonight!
Hopefully Capcom will respond to the enormous support that Mega Man Legends 3 is receiving!
Source: GoNintendo, Facebook
Darkrai is coming to Pokémon Black and White!
Beginning on May 9, anyone with a copy of Pokémon Black or White will be able to receive the Pitch-Black Pokémon, Darkrai. This Dark-type legendary Pokémon was introduced in Generation IV and was only available if the player had the Member Card, an item only available through an event. Other than a copy of the game, the only thing required is a Wi-Fi internet connection, and if you have 11 wonder cards, you’ll have to delete one.
Source: IGN