Airship Travelogues Episode 018: Drinkbox Studios Attacks

Multiplatform developer Drinkbox Studios shares their experiences of developing indie games while also doing contract work for large publishers.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 04/25/2012 08:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Airship Travelogues Episode 018: Drinkbox Studios Attacks

Airship Travelogues Episode 018: Drinkbox Studios Attacks

Chris McQuinn and Graham Smith of Drinkbox Studios join us to discuss juggling the indie game development scene with contracting projects for large developers.

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Recording Date
April 22, 2012

Chris McQuinn and Graham Smith of Drinkbox Studios, with Noah and Marc

00:00:00 Introductions
00:01:21 Interview
00:35:58 Conclusion
00:37:26 Credits
00:38:05 Total Length


One Response to “Airship Travelogues Episode 018: Drinkbox Studios Attacks”

  • 381 points
    Hyawatta says...

    Just Another Service App to Provide on the Nentendo Network

    I play OnLive, and I believe that Nintendo should include the OnLive app on the Wii U just like how it is on TV’s, Android’s, and PC’s. They should also have apps for Steam, Origin, and any other service that provides games and content in a similar manner. The system just needs to save the login info for the multiple accounts so they only have to be entered one time for each service.

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