Pre-Purchase of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Special Edition Begin (Again) Today

Limit one per account!

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 06/30/2022 03:01 1 Comment     ShareThis

The tension begins anew as fans line up online to once again try and snag a copy of the Special Edition of Xenobldae Chronicles 3. Today, June 30, Nintendo is reopening the portal on its My Nintendo Store to let fans get a chance at pre-purchasing a copy for themselves. Here’s the announcement that was made via the company’s official Twitter account:

Details beyond this are scarce. Apparently, fans can expect to be waiting a bit as Nintendo processes orders. There will also be a limit of one copy per account. Not that any of this will deter scalpers, of course, but at least there’s a fighting chance for consumers to get a copy without having to pay exorbitant prices. This is the second time Nintendo has opened up the pre-purchase window for the Special Edition of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, with the previous attempt proving to be an abortive effort.

As of this writing the portal isn’t yet accepting pre-purchases, but try the link for yourself throughout the day—and good luck!

Source: Nintendo of America Twitter Page

One Response to “Pre-Purchase of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Special Edition Begin (Again) Today”

  • 1570 points
    penduin says...

    I managed to snag one! It took all day, multiple browsers, and many failures. I don’t know whether I’m more lucky, relieved, or annoyed.

    I thought the one upside to living in a capitalist hellscape was that we can buy things we want. Preorders and specialty stuff like this are, time and again, a disaster to acquire.

    I hope everyone else who wants a copy is/was able to secure one. Something tells me that’s unlikely, but we fans need to support each other, right? :^)

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