Pokémon Horizons: The Series is the much-anticipated revamp of the long-running anime series based on Nintendo and Game Freak’s beloved Pocket Monsters franchise. Starring newcomers Liko and Roy, Pokémon Horizons: The Series will introduce all-new settings and characters, paving the way for a new generation of stories. Fans have been wondering when exactly they’ll be able to start watching the show, and now we know: February 23, 2024. Here’s the announcement that was made on X:
Take flight with a new Pokémon adventure! 🌅
Prepare for an all-new journey with Liko and Roy as they travel with new friends and adorable Pokémon across different regions in #PokemonHorizons: The Series, coming to @netflix on 2/23!
Learn more: https://t.co/EKSuunZbiq pic.twitter.com/m5YLWRubXy
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) November 29, 2023
Are you excited to see new adventures in the world of Pokémon moving beyond Ash and company? Or are you disappointed to see the longstanding cast dispatched for these newcomers? Tell us your thoughts on Pokémon Horizons: The Series down below and on social media!
Source: Pokémon X Account