I won’t lie, when it first came out many years ago, I remember looking at the Medabots series of games and anime as little more than a Pokémon clone with robots. Not everyone must have thought that way, because the franchise earned itself a strong enough fan base to keep it going until today. And those fans have something to celebrate, because Medabots 9 has been announced for 3DS.
The reveal in Famitsu didn’t give too much new information, but it did share a few tidbits. First, this entry will once again be split into two versions, Kabuto and Kuwagata. Second, the game will feature new characters including a new protagonist. And finally, Medabots 9 will also include three-on-three fights.
The game is expected to release in 2016, but little else is known at this time, including whether or not it will be release outside of Japan. Hopefully, more details will come to light over time, so fans of the franchise should be on the lookout for more information.
Source: Gematsu