Mii Studio Lets You Perfect Miis on PC

Definitely not too little, but perhaps a bit late?

By Robert Marrujo. Posted 05/26/2018 21:15 Comment on this     ShareThis

The great pastime of creating bizarre, artistic, monstrous, and sometimes frightening Miis has almost become a relic of the past. While the quirky avatars have been… polarizing fans since their inception on Wii, their heyday seems to have truly come and gone with the introduction of Switch. Fans can still create their own unique character to represent themselves on the platform, but Switch is largely devoid of Miis and hardly emphasizes them.

Oddly, despite this shift in focus, Nintendo doesn’t appear to be fully done with Miis. Indeed, the company is now making it easier than ever to create and edit them by allowing users to access a web service dubbed Mii Studio. It’s essentially the usual suite of Mii creation tools that are available on Wii, Wii U, 3DS, and Switch, but with some notable improvements.

For one thing, changes in Mii Studio will be recognized across all platforms that the account is active on. Meaning, if you’re using the same Mii/account on your Switch and 3DS, changes should be seen on both without having to manually make them on each system. Another addition that’s absent (so far) on consoles is the wider range of colors for hair and accessories. My Mii, for instance, is now sporting some killer green glasses! Glasses that I wish I owned in real life, dang it!

Ahem! Moving along, Mii Studio is free; simply login on either a PC or smart device with your account information and you can get to Mii-makiing. With Go Vacation coming to Switch, it’s clear that Miis aren’t going away any time soon, but it’s unclear if this is a sign of even more Mii goodness to come or just some random quality of life improvements that would’ve been more welcome like five years ago. We’ll likely find out more (assuming there’s more to find out) closer to or during E3, and once we do we’ll pass it along to you, dear readers!


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