3 IGN Creators Guild Members Have Been Laid Off

The union alleges that these moves were made without prior discussion between its members and IGN.

By Tyler Nubin. Posted 04/01/2024 22:21 Comment on this     ShareThis

The IGN Creators Guild recently received news that three out of their 80 members have been terminated without apparent reason. In a post on its official X account on March 19, the guild announced the sudden layoffs of producer Francesca Rivera, video producer Jesse Gill, and senior editor Joshua Yehl. Surprisingly, these decisions were made despite what the IGN Union Guild alleges being the company’s stable financial situation and without consulting the union.

The guild expressed their confusion, stating that the company claimed these decisions were made before their recognition. “This decision was made despite the fact that the company is in no economic distress and without consulting the union…The company is claiming that these decisions were made prior to our recognition,” said a representative. Understandably, the union is highly displeased with this unexpected move. According to the guild, the decision to lay off these employees was made abruptly, without any prior notification.

The IGN Creators Guild believe the staff reduction aimed to eliminate positions for an undisclosed motive. The guild further emphasized that the company’s failure to engage in discussions before the layoffs, and instead only addressing the consequences, has severely damaged the trust between the union employees and management. “Failing to approach us prior to the layoffs, and instead only choosing to bargain over the effects of said layoffs is a massive breach of trust between union employees and management.” As a result, the guild is now taking legal action against IGN by filing Unfair Labor Practice charges. We will continue to report on IGN’s response to this situation.

Source: IGN Union X Account

This article was written by a Nintendojo, Jr. Contributor. You can learn more about the initiative here.

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