It’s the return of Xenoblade Chronicles!
Nightly News Roundup: 04.13.2012
Brand new Pokémon footage and a whole lot more in tonight’s news roundup!
Fan Service: Let’s Tone Down the Sexiness, Please
According to Mel, fandom isn’t sexy but doesn’t know it.
Nightly News Roundup: 04.12.2012
Details revealed about Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, Miyamoto talks about new game ideas, we get some Project X Zone screens, and Pandora’s Tower rumors surface.
The Handheld-Console Dichotomy
Kyle explains why consoles are from Mars and handhelds are from Venus.
Nightly News Roundup: 04.11.2012
Project X Zone announced, Suda 51’s without a Wii U dev kit, and a new trailer for Pandora’s Tower in tonight’s news.
Round Table: Back in Black (and White)
The staff share their thoughts on what we can expect from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.
Airship Travelogues Episode 017: Cinema
For its first April episode, the Airship goes to completely new territory.
Nightly News Roundup: 04.10.2012
Epic Mickey 2 and Resident Evil 6 Wii U news, 3DS headset rumored, and Nintendo partners with an unexpected source.
Another Castle: Infernal Revelations – Part II
Pass the snorkel– Katharine dives deeper into the world of Dante in Resident Evil: Revelations.
Nightly News Roundup: 04.09.2012
Of Joel McHale, Wii U price tags and Pokémon release dates.
How the West Was Lost
In a world where Japanese developers seem to be losing ground, it was Western publishers that missed the mark on 3DS.
Mutterings from the Editor 04.09.2012
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