We take a closer look at the mythological archetypes that serve as the foundation for this Zelda classic.
Round Table: Future Mythologies Gamed
We talk about which less-explored mythologies we want in our video games.
Tolkien in Videogameland
Tolkien’s responsible for a lot in fantasy games. Just take a look at your closest JRPG.
The Mythological Monster Farm
Who would our heroes battle and summon if it weren’t for the myths of old?
Hot Air: Sucked
Dracula is one of mythology’s strongest legends: how does his real-life timeline measure up to his Castlevania timeline?
Tidman’s Take: Johnny Appleseed, The Video Game
We can have mythology games made in the USA!
Reverend Nester64x’s Church of the Triforce
The Bible, the Bhagvad Gita, and Dianetics have nothing on Nester’s one true faith.
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 134: Tidy Mythology
We talk our favorite uses of mythology in video games, Pokémon journeys and Zelda 25.
Japanese Mythology in Black and White
You may have noticed some of the obvious mythological references in Pokemon Black and White, but here’s one you may not know much about.
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