Video Versus! Hardcore Style Battle: Master Chief vs. Tingle

It’s like my dad could beat up your dad, only much cooler and much nerdier. Now with video!

By Matthew Tidman. Posted 07/01/2010 00:15 Comment on this     ShareThis

Video Versus! Hardcore Style Battle: Master Chief vs. Tingle

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Welcome to Video Versus! the continuation of the Versus! and Verbal Versus! series now in video… hence the name. If you don’t know how it goes down, in Video Versus! two Nintendojo staffer pick a topic and duke it out in argument form, each defending his side as eloquently as possible. The writer doesn’t have to agree with his standpoint, but it’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about being a better debater.

This edition has Aaron Roberts facing off against Matthew Tidman in the debate of who the more stylish character is: Master Chief or Tingle. Will the Spartan be crowned king of the fashion world, or is it the 40-year-old fairy who knows what not to wear. Check out the arguments for (and against) each below.




So who is the winner? That’s where you come in. It’s up to you to decide who the winner is by leaving us feedback either in our forumsvia Twitter, or in a comment below. Be sure to let us know which debater you think made the more compelling argument and, by extension, who is the most stylish video game character.

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