Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 165: Awkward

The hosts try to outdo each other with bad jokes but still entertain while talking Layton on iOS and Vita’s and Slide Pad’s dates.

By M. Noah Ward. Posted 10/19/2011 08:00 6 Comments     ShareThis


Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 165: Awkward

Maybe it’s four hosts or the news in question, but this isn’t a typically smooth show– which makes it better. Slide Pad, Vita and Ni No Kuni dates, plus more.

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Recording Date
October 18, 2011

Noah, James, Aaron and Adam

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:47 What We’re Playing
00:17:53 Slide Pad & Vita Dated, Ni No Kuni & Layton
00:32:39 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:37:23 Conclusion
00:39:03 Credits

00:40:42 Total Length


6 Responses to “Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 165: Awkward”

  • 432 points
    dmgice says...

    $60 Vita games. Yeah. It’s going to be a success here. Also, the Layton Game Room iOS game started as a different title and then they shoved a Layton style onto it. It’s a spin-off, not a port. At that, it might not even be a good spin-off.

    Chrono Trigger is a better RPG than all of the Final Fantasy games. It’s true. Although it barely defeats Final Fantasy IV and VI.

    I said: “Since the Virtual Boy.” The Game Cube was a failure before the Game Boy Micro didn’t sell much. That said, the Game Boy Micro is a pretty sweet device. I’ve got two of them and I honestly think it’s time to track down that sweet Red Mother 3 one..

    • 432 points
      dmgice says...

      Or not…

      Yeah. The cheapest eBay auction is $400.

      I have the silver and black Micro units that came out over here. The device does a lot of things right. It has the best D-Pad out of the GBA units and the best buttons out of that series of devices. The screen is nice and crisp, the metal casing feels great, the SELECT and START buttons light up when you turn the unit on and they glow red when your battery is low, the interchangeable faceplates are a great idea, and it really feels like the most portable handheld ever made. I feel that it should have had GB/GBC legacy support, but that is my only complaint about the device. Currently playing through The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on it for a review. It’s a great device. I wish that the 3DS had Select, Home, and Start buttons that lit up to tell me about my battery life. Hell, I wish those were actual BUTTONS on the 3DS. I’m not crazy about the button strip on the 3DS and PSP e1000 units.

      • 165 points
        Zeer0id says...

        You know, I’m no huge fan of the “Home strip” of the 3DS either, but I have noticed something useful about it. The texture, size and resistance of the buttons make them very easy to depress with the stylus. This comes as opposed to the ABXY buttons, which the stylus slides right off of, and the minuscule buttons on the DS Lite.

        I have in fact found this trait to be handy on a number of occasions. I wonder if this was something Nintendo had considered when developing the form factor of the 3DS.

  • 165 points
    LocoBaka says...

    since no one has concluded the eternal fan fic, I shall. This will be a conclusion. An ending to a story. The story will not continue AFTER this. It will be the end. I won’t make the story progress forward in time indeffinatly like I did last time. This will be the end of a trilogy. I promise. P.s. I haven’t even heard this podcast yet. It’s madness, I know. Every wednesday morning I check for one since nintydojo is my fav but somehow it is friday morn and I am just now getting around to listining to it. Nintendojo ftw!

  • 432 points
    dmgice says...

    Oh yeah, this isn’t the first Layton game on a mobile phone. Thought I should throw that out there since I can’t edit a previously posted post.

  • 75 points
    Hbomb says...

    Hey, Aaron, if you come on CBG, we’ll never call you a racist or a voyeur.

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