3DS announcements galore and Battlefield Wii U on shaky ground.
Nester64x: Gradius is the Best
The best game of all time? I don’t want to spoil the surprise.
Hulu Plus, 3D Video Capture on Nintendo Systems
Subscription service Hulu Plus arrives on Wii and 3DS as 3DS receives firmware update enabling three-dimensional video capture.
Defective Design
Since the 3DS is getting a different control scheme, should Wii U as well?
The Backtracking Metroidvania Paradox
One gamer’s love-hate relationship with Metroid and its backtracking backbone.
N64: True Multiplayer Machine
Multiplayer games would never be the same again!
Top Ten: N64 Gaming Tunes
Who is this “BeyoncĂ©” you speak of? We’re all about the nostalgia sound today.
Dojo-Show-Go! Episode 165: Awkward
The hosts try to outdo each other with bad jokes but still entertain while talking Layton on iOS and Vita’s and Slide Pad’s dates.
Industry Chatter 10.18.2011
Today’s edition tackles Professor Layton, Skyward Sword and sales galore.
What Zelda Can Learn From Star Fox Adventures
Derivative? Perhaps, but SFA took some bold steps Link would be smart to follow.
3DS Phone Home
Forget Vita, what Nintendo should worry about is whether Sony buys Ericsson.
Poll: Now That’s What I Call Music
How important is this music thing to you, anyway?
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