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James, Aaron and Noah pull out the ESP to make some potentially inaccurate predictions of what’ll happen at E3 next week.
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Recording Date
May 31, 2011
Noah, Aaron and James
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:53 What We’re Playing
00:09:28 E3 2011 Predictions
00:30:46 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:44:02 Conclusion & Fan Fiction Assignment
00:46:26 Credits
00:48:33 Total Length
- Green Switch Palace: The Trials & Titillations of E3 ’11
- The Best and Only Place for Killer Video Game Remixes
I absolutely HAVE to play with 3D turned on no matter what lol. It just makes everything that much better. PES 2011 is awesome in 3D. The field really feels huge.
As for launch titles for Cafe, I think it’s good to just rule out Luigi’s Mansion 2. That will probably be a 3DS game before anything else. Especially knowing that they tried 3D with the first Luigi’s Mansion shows that 3DS is more likely the home for the sequel.
Skyward Sword will most likely be a dual-release like Twilight Princess was. This is probably one of the biggest reasons for Nintendo to make sure all the Wii Remote works with Cafe.
And don’t forget Zelda’s 25th Anniversary announcement should be at E3 too!
Finally, although Vita is kinda crappy of a name, it DOES fit in with Sony’s other product names: Bravia, Neo, etc.
OoT3D seems like it IS Zelda’s 25th. Between the graphical overhaul, the new master quest, the orchestrated soundtrack (As heard in the first Jap trailer) the Brawl like trophies, not to mention the timing of it, I am pretty sure Nintendo is pulling out all the stops to make this the very best Anniversary Gift to Zelda fans ever!
As for Skyward Sword … this will be third E3 in which we will see this game. Aunuma has had long enough. Link’s body is ready.
Well, I’m not going to make any predictions, but let me say this: a lot is riding on Nintendo’s conference. Poor portable sales, a dying home console, and successor that’s ahead of it’s time (i.e. not ready). There’s a lot of room for both tremendous amazement and disappointment.
Nintendo could astound or flop on all these fronts.
I think Nintendo would be doing things all wrong by imitating “hardcore” consoles. Sega did it, and look what happened there. SONY and M-Soft get away with it because they have endless money to throw away.
Nintendo needs to capitalize on their history, something they have the most of. Perhaps a Mother sequel based off Quirky ’80s America, planting all kinds of NES era easter eggs and references. It would feel like a new IP while still sticking to their roots.
“Chimera gawked at Metroid ending!”
This is lame that everybody gets OofT pre-order bonus except the US. I hope they announce something last minute at E3. Also I bet the Zelda 25th thing is a 3DS version of the Sateliview remake of the original but 3Dized. All in a box with some BS special features for $40. Just you wait. Sad part is I’d probably buy it unlike the Mario 25th. I took off from work to watch E3. I’m picking up Blazblue 3DS (yes I’m double dipping) to play during the time that isn’t press conferences. For you guys not going are you getting a new game to accompany you through the E3 experience? Heck you guys going should get a new 3DS game to play while in line.
Hey. Nathan is a cool guy. We played a lot of MGS: Ghost Babel VS at E3. A little hyper; but I think enthusiasm is a good quality. I don’t have much room to talk as I have myself on recorded audio sobbing tears of joy over The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Here’s the link if you want to revel in it.
As for my controller design? I’m not removing rumble actually, I’M MAKING IT BETTER. The point of a conductive speaker is that it channels sound through vibrations. So, a reasonably powerful conductive unit would give you a more subtle and natural rumble. We can also “position” that rumble on the controller. If they put a small metal strip on the bottom of the back touch panel, you could place your finger over it and “hear” music and other items through your bones. I know it sounds creepy; but it would be worth it. Remember in the original Metal Gear Solid? The device that Snake has in his ear exists and it has been around since the 1960’s. It’s also damn cheap. Google Hasbro “Sound Bite” candy. That is how cheap these are. These have been $10 or less since 1998. There are more harmonic devices that are developed as weapons. The one in this controller would not be weaponized. But it would provide the right amount of feedback. Mainly because the conduction unit is attached to a coil inside of the controller that goes through it’s body. So, yeah. The problem is limiting it a bit so that it doesn’t knock the controller out of your hand.
Okay. I’ll admit it. A lot of what I want in a controller started out as military tech. I want a controller that heats up or cools down in your hands, I want shiftable button lay-outs. I’ve wanted OLED screens on hand helds since 2001. I want RAM Batteries. I want rubberized metal casings to be standard. I want conductive metal buttons. Personally, I would love a device that uses resonant inductive coupling to draw in extra electricty from the user and environment around them. Microsoft wants you to be the controller. I want you to be part of the battery too. So, the more you play, the more it charges. Just being in your pocket would help charge the device. Of course, you need to plug it in at first; but you wouldn’t have to plug it in often if you carry it with you everywhere. Mmm.. WiTricity. Yes. I want to use technology that was originally intend to kill people in my home entertainment system.
tl:dr: Nathan’s a cool guy. Conductive Sound Technology provides BETTER rumble feedback for cheaper than a standard rumble motor. SCIENCE!
heres my predictions:
ninja gaiden will be shown in video form
kid icarus will be playable,
there is an innovative, stampead-inducing aspect to cafe that will be reveiled,
they will talk about their impoved online,
there will be many nerdgasms.
I’ve been working on a sequel for the eternal fan fic. A real one that follows the format of the previous writer.
I must flee now. The giraffes are closing in on me and I am unarmed.
Hey thanks for the musical info at the end of the show, very insightful
I am a huge fan of ocremix and have amassed multiple gigs from there dating back to the dial up days. I was wondering if it wouldn’t be too much trouble to put what songs you use on the page of the podcast so we could go to the podcast page and read it instead of just in the credits. That’d be awesome.
Here’s some more predictions that are highly improbable:
duke nukem forever will be on cafe
halo will be announced for 3ds,
the cafe controller screen will be autosterioscopic,
reggie will transform into a 9 foot tall monster and will bite the head off of kaz hari,
nintendo will announce an AO rated pokemon breeding game.
these are more my hopes than predictions (except for that ONE prediction. I don’t wanna see anyone get their head bitten off).
I agree with James that Nintendo will most likely reveal a lot of information about Project Cafe and possibly some games. I haven’t been keeping track of all the info flying around, but I’m curious about how many developers even have Project Cafe development kits right now to work with, since that would be helpful to predict exactly when Project Cafe will be released and what launch titles to expect for it.
Also, I’m still hoping and waiting for a Pikmin 3 reveal/announcement, and have been for quite a while. Sure the previous games might not have sold as much as Mario or Pokemon games, but they were still quite popular. And Miyamoto has mentioned several times over the past couple years that Pikmin 3 is in the works. I’m guessing that it will most likely be for Wii, unless they decide to port over whatever work has been done to Project Cafe, and so would need to be released soon on the Wii or it probably won’t sell very well at all.
I would be very surpirsed if there wasn’t a bundle with a 3DS and the new OOT, or maybe there is and I just don’t know about it. I think that would help to improve sales at least a little bit since so many people are looking forward to the new OOT and probably don’t own a 3DS yet because of the lack of games right now, like me for example.
still waiting on my forums conformation. you dont want to anger the likes of me. I can be a powerful ally, or a powerful enemy. the choice is yours.
lol jk. but seriously….
I do like the hooch. Don’t take what I say too seriously, but then again, the squeeky wheel gets the grease. Thank you. You guys rock. I’m sure you’ve been busy and I totally appreciate all that you do (and pay) to keep this site up and running. Keep kickin ass.
Not much goes on in the forums, but we’re on it! :) Sorry to keep ya waiting.