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Noah shares what’s going on with his gamer parents and talks about favorite pets in video games.
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Recording Date
December 28, 2010
00:00:00 Introduction & What We’re Playing
00:11:07 Video Game Pets: Why They Rock and Faves
00:26:06 Warm Fuzzies Feedback
00:29:28 Conclusion
00:31:31 Credits
00:33:42 Total Length
So is this Aaron pretending to be Noah the whole time? Also your Michael Vick pokemon comment made me laugh. I think I’m a bad person.
LOL No, it’s really me. I sound like a mix between Isaac Hayes and Kathleen Turner. And the madness isn’t over as I’ll be recording a Channel Massive podcast tomorrow, likely with the same luscious baritone.
“Oh, yeah, baby. That’s right.”
The clash between my current voice and the prerecorded credits section is probably scariest. It actually almost makes me wish I had this voice all the time, but it is not to be…
Thanks for listening to the show! :)
You voice sounds awesome with a cold, Noah :D It’s very disconcerting though to hear the credits in your normal voice haha after 33 minutes of your cold voice.
My favourite video game pet might have to be my own constant companion Kate. No matter what I am playing, she is always right here trying to play it as well. She’s probably a better gamer than I am! I wonder how I would fare in gaming without her pawing at the controller/keyboard?
As for an in game pet ;) This is actually a tough decision for me as I don’t really consider pets in games as pets… they are more of tools that I use in the game, so I don’t think of them too often as a separate entity. Straight off the top of my head, Rex from Fallout New Vegas was awesome. As soon as I got the option to find his brain & make him a permanent companion, I did so. He is ferocious when I need it & cuddly when it’s cold.
Another great one is Koromaru from Persona 3. Whereas you can have him as a member of your party, he is actually a pet you keep at the dorms; you feed him, take him for walks etc. He is also always in my main parties as his Persona is very awesome.
The Professor Layton pets are awesome! I agree there. Pokemon are also great pets, with Jigglypuff & Umbreon being the best of course!
It must be Christmas, I’ve finally caught up with the podcast!
I did think at first that it was Aaron doing an impression of you Noah but it was a very enjoyable podcast nevertheless. Hope you feel better soon, being inconvenienced over Christmas is terrible and I would know; my water’s been off twice in the space of a week.
I’m not sure what my favourite gaming pet is but I definitely love my Pokémon. No doubt just a little too much. But who couldn’t love my Togekiss, she’s perfect.
And I’m glad you’re getting Pokémon Black/White. It’s weird to hear podcasts when you have no clue what everyone else is going on about (though that video news round up was hilarious.)
Oh and I would love a dog. But I’m not allowed, meh.