Week: End Game: On 03.24.2012

A look at the weekend plans of us Nintendojo folk in the world of gaming!

By Mel Turnquist. Posted 03/24/2012 16:00 1 Comment     ShareThis

Here’s a look at what we’re playing this weekend. Be sure to tell us what games you’ll be playing in the comments section!

Mel Turnquist

This weekend will probably consist of me playing Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns more than anything else. I got the game and it’s not that bad. I like the idea of the game but I keep feeling like it could be just a little better. I’ll also TRY to get around to playing Mario Party 9 which I haven’t completed yet. My older sister decided that she wants to get back into video gaming and has basically taken residence in the den where the Wii is. Anytime I want to try to play, there she is playing the New Super Mario Bros. (a game I thought was missing for the longest time but somehow found again) and has also decided to play on my DS Lite and has a few games down there with her.

I’ll also be likely trolling friends and Nintendojo folk on Swapnote and playing Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones yet again. This time I will not kill off Franz so early, I swear!

M. Noah Ward

Wow, your story of having to share a gaming system… perish the thought! Makes me glad that the only one I’d have to challenge for video game time is my dog Yub Yub, and he’s really not into video games– much more a “throw the ball” type. Though he gets alarmed whenever I play Wii– something about yanking the remote around causes him to put his ears down and dart out of the living room.

So partially in deference to that, any Nintendo game time will be focused on Resident Evil: Revelations on 3DS, a system that’s decidedly unthreatening to Yub Yub, even if I get a little stressed out by all the jump-scares the game has. In non-Nintendo matters, there’s a very intriguing new champion in League of Legends I have to see in action, and I am determined to go further in my maiden voyage through Mass Effect 1. After switching everything to “casual” and forcing through the intro sequence a couple weekends ago (something I failed at several times over the last four years), I’m definitely in love with the game, and suffering through mind-numbing Doctor Lautrec crate-pushing and poor man’s Pokémon battles made me only miss Bioware’s intriguing sci-fi opus all the more. Yes, I’m acutely aware I may hate the ending to Mass Effect 3 given all the internet-wide whining, but who knows? By the time I get there, Bioware may have released five new endings, twice over.

Nicolas Vestre

I’ve been spending the last week at my little cousins’ house, having a vacation of sorts. This has been a great opportunity to casually play some multiplayer games such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii, ModNation Racers, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, and LittleBigPlanet 2 for PS3, my newly acquired Mario Kart 7 for 3DS, and everyone’s favorite, Bomberman for DS. A lot of fun was had, but there’s definitely something to be said for playing with people more in my age bracket; hopefully I can scratch that itch soon.

Personally I’ve been playing a lot of WarioWare: Twisted!, seeking the high score on every microgame. One thing I’ve noticed is that the battery in my Game Boy Advance SP doesn’t hold nearly as much charge as it used to, so I’ll have to invest in a new battery from the Nintendo online store some day when I find myself with some spare cash.

To top things off, I’ve been hitting the time trials in Mario Kart 7, seeking to get decent enough to take my game online. Of course I’ll always be playing some Donkey Kong on the 3DS Virtual Console when I get sick of racing. And I’ve kept the Styrofoam insert that came with the 3DS and still use it constantly to avoid screen scratching.

Katharine Byrne

Okay, so that “I’m just going to replay the first few chapters of The Last Story because I miss it so much” mumbo-jumbo two weeks ago has now turned into a fully-fledged second play-though. I have several other games that I really should be playing instead, but I just can’t help myself. Now that I know where all the cut-scenes kick in, it’s been really nice just taking the game in at a much slower, more leisurely pace. There were quite a few conversations I missed out on or cut short before, as well as a few sidequests I didn’t quite get round to completing, so it’s been a very welcome return to Lazulis Island indeed.

That said, my copy of Bit.Trip Complete finally arrived in the post the other day (it only got released in the UK last Friday), so I’ll be wallowing in my inadequate rhythm skills this weekend as well. I never actually bought any of the Bit.Trip games when they were first released on WiiWare. I played a couple of demos for Beat, Flux and Fate, but was never actually tempted enough to buy the whole game. But when they announced a full compilation of all six games on one disc for a more than affordable price, that was an offer I just couldn’t refuse. I’ve only attempted Runner so far, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. It’s been maddeningly frustrating, but it’s the best kind of maddening frustration that only drives you forward and compels you to do better next time. Despite being of the verge of several curses when I keep running into the same wall, it’s been immensely fun and hugely satisfying.

Kevin Knezevic

I wasn’t planning on doing much gaming this weekend since I’m woefully behind on my work, but then my copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising arrived in the mail and completely ruined my productivity. I’ve put maybe a half-dozen hours into the game already, and without spoiling too much, I can safely say it’s been worth the wait. Yes, there is a significant learning curve to the controls (particularly in the land portions, where you’ll have to use the stylus to juggle between aiming the reticule and rotating the camera), but when you see how the game is structured, you’ll realize that a dual analog scheme couldn’t possibly work (especially on the higher intensities, where you’ll need a deft hand to survive the ground assaults). It’d be a shame to let this one (non)issue deter you from enjoying the game, because Uprising has some of the most beautiful and imaginative set pieces I’ve ever seen (one stage, for instance, has you chasing a pirate ship through space as it severs and collects constellations). I’ve yet to try the multiplayer mode (I was hoping to clear the story before I ventured into my first online battle), but I’ll certainly be up for a game if anyone else wants to play!

One Response to “Week: End Game: On 03.24.2012”

  • 1244 points
    lukas85 says...

    Just finished Ico the other day, what a wonderful game, i first played on ps2 3years ago, this time i played the Ico collection on ps3 and man, what a gorgeous game, its even better than i remember it! The art, design, music and story are top notch,but the gameplay is awful . I also finished Metroid fushion but only at 46 % ( i feel ashamed of myself, have to play it again). And right know im playing the minish cap, WHaT A GREAT LiTTLE GamE , loving it!

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