There comes a time when even fansites as old as we are show our age. (We turned fifteen in September, by the way! Thanks for the cake. You know who you are.) (Just kidding, nobody sent us cake.) (Excuse us while we cry.) And in this case, it’s about news.
Nintendojo’s been presenting news to you in all sorts of ways throughout the years, and we’ve been trying hard to figure out just how to do it now, when gamers have everything from IGN to Kotaku to Joystiq to tell them what’s up. We’ve been doing everything from posting press releases (old-school!) to daily digests (semi-old-school!) to weekly new roundups (current-school!), and frankly, we admit that we should be more consistent. So we thought we’d ask you all, the audience, to weigh in on how we should do news.
Should we do it up-to-the-minute, like Joystiq does, or would you go to Joystiq for that anyway? Or should we do daily digests, so you don’t need to wade through a hundred posts for the good stuff? Maybe you want weekly roundups, like we do right now, coupled with our usual Industry Chatter and Now Playing columns to give you what’s going on in game companies and game releases, respectively. Your opinions are the only ones we care about, and so we want to hear from you!
Oh, and sound off in the comments! We like that, too. Or just talk about how great The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is, we know you’re antsy for that. Just remember to vote– and while you’re at it, tell us if you’d like us to keep Industry Chatter and Now Playing!
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Wow, that’s so cool! I was just had my fifteenth birthday in september too! I think it would be nice to have constant updates but daily updates would also be nice. As with Skyward Sword, need a Wii first but I’m really looking forward to playing it! I think it’s too late to get a golden remote though. *sob sob*
We were born for you, JAY! And– there’s always time on eBay ;) … of course, it’ll cost you an arm and a leg.
I know, it’s destiny! I think I’ll keep my limbs though. :)