As Rhythm Heaven Fever hits the states just in time for Valentine’s Day– yes, fellas, this means you need to get a gift (and it should be this game)– it’s a better time than any to start thinking about just why we play these games over and over. Remember Dance Dance Revolution? Or Para Para Paradise? Maybe Donkey Konga or Parappa the Rapper? Or those nobodies Rock Band and Guitar Hero? Sure, they’re kind of an eclectic bunch– especially Donkey Konga and Parappa the Rapper with their actual (threadbare) stories and main characters and everything– but they’ve all got one thing in common: music and rhythm.
Games like these have been out for a pretty long time now, and they often come with not just the game, but a lovely piece of plastic to take home with you. Guitar? Sure! Bongos? Okay. Weird maraca things? (We didn’t forget you, Samba de Amigo.) That’s all right too. In fact, few games in this genre don’t, and Rhythm Heaven Fever is one of them. (Granted, Rhythm Heaven Fever and its ilk comprise a very different type of game, period, but that’s besides the point.) Ever since Guitar Hero tanked after its 238478th incarnation, gamers have been giving music and rhythm games the evil eye. So what’s up? Is the age of the plastic guitar over? Let us know in the results and comments below!
(By the way, this is our 99th poll! That’s right, we’ve convinced our readers to vote for 99 consecutive mini-elections. Take that, U.S. voter turnout!)
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