2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the Pokémon series, and like the eponymous monsters it tasks players with capturing and raising, the franchise has evolved dramatically over the past two decades. Despite its humble origins on the aging Game Boy, Pokémon became a veritable overnight phenomenon with the release of Pokémon Red and Blue, capturing the imagination of players young and old with its captivating adventure, deceptively deep gameplay, and charming cast of collectable monsters. Since then, the series has served as the flag bearer for Nintendo’s handhelds, appearing on each successive portable the company has released and growing in step with the technological strides each new system has afforded it.
Before Pokémon Sun and Moon usher in a new generation for the perennial franchise, we’d like to know which generation of Pokémon titles has been your favorite thus far. Cast your vote in our poll, and be sure to sound off on your favorite gen in the comments!
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