After a hugely successful Kickstarter, Yooka-Laylee released to somewhat mixed reviews. While some loved how it stayed true to the feel of early 3D platformers from the ’90s, others felt it should have done more to modernize the concept. Regardless, the game established a fanbase and those folks might be excited to learn the two heroes might have another adventure coming soon, though this time in a different medium.
Yooka-Laylee and the Kracklestone is a graphic novel being developed by DreamPrism Press, and they’re looking for support on Kickstarter to bring their project to the masses. The story once again features the titular heroes and Capital B, the antagonist from the game, only this time they are fighting over an ancient, invincibility granting relic known as the Kracklestone. Naturally, other characters from the game will find their way into the comic as well.

If you’re interested in supporting the project, $15 will get you a digital copy of the book while $30 will reward you with a physical, hardcover copy, though there are of course options for donating more or less with other potential perks. Overall, the publisher is looking for $40,000 to complete the project and they are actually well on their way to that total as they have surpassed $30,000 and still have until November 17 when the campaign ends.
Source: Siliconera