While the rest of the world awaits the impending Yo-Kai invasion, the ghost catching series continues to dominate its native land, Japan. The original 3DS games started a tidal wave that has saturated every facet of Japanese pop culture, and that influence is about to join forces with another surprisingly successful gaming franchise that started in the west, Just Dance.
At first, Yo-kai Watch Dance: Just Dance Special Version might seem like an oddity, but dancing has actually proven to be at least part of the Yo-Kai Watch anime’s appeal. Both the show’s opening and closing musical numbers feature dance routines that have become popular among the show’s (and, by extension, game’s) fan base. Look at it that way, and it makes perfect sense why Level-5 and Ubisoft would team up to combine their hugely successful franchises.
Yo-kai Watch Dance: Just Dance Special Version will be coming out on Wii U, though no release date for Japan was announced. As for whether or not it will find its way beyond Japan, I’m guessing it will largely depend on whether or not Yo-Kai Watch has as big an impact on the rest of the world as it did Japan. And even if it does prove to be a smash hit there is another problem: the show will feature a new opening, at least in the US, and it doesn’t feature nearly as many funky fresh moves.
Be sure to check back to see when, or if, you’ll get the opportunity cut a rug with some ghosts.
Source: Siliconera