Anyone that’s managed to get their hands on an SNES Classic Edition has likely fired up Secret of Mana and unsuccessfully tried to extricate themselves from in front of their television and back into the real world. Despite being born on Nintendo hardware, however, the upcoming remake of Secret of Mana isn’t heading to Switch or 3DS. This has left many a fan scratching their heads as to why. Thankfully, Redbull got hold of Secret of Mana producer Masaru Oyamada, who had this to say about the issue:
“Development for the title began before the Switch was announced, so it was definitely beyond our expectations to see the level of anticipation for the release on the platform grow this much. In terms of our current circumstance, we are unable to immediately state that this will become available on the Switch, but we hope to continue listening to the various requests from our fans.”
That seems pretty reasonable, but it still is a bit of an odd oversight. After all, word of Switch (or as it was known originally, NX) has been pretty common knowledge for years leading up to the console’s launch. One can’t help but think that on some level Square should have given some thought to bringing a title so synonymous with Nintendo hardware to a Nintendo system. Alas, we’ll just have to hope that fans make enough of a fuss about the title’s absence on Switch to get the game ported over.
Source: Redbull
Same goes for “Adventures of Mana”, the prequel originally made for the Gameboy exclusively in Japan. Square ‘s remake, I just found out was a Vita exclusive. If that don’t burn your Nintendo buns…
The Mana Trilogy’s a lot like Mother/Earthbound. We got the second installment, but not the prequel or sequel. The entire collection is available on the Japanese eShop, but, of course, all in Japanese. Since this is a very story-laden game, that kind of puts a damper on things.
The first game was released in the US. It released as “Final Fantasy Adventure.” It was my first “Final Fantasy” title, and I loved it because of how much it felt like Legend of Zelda. Only found out the truth years later.