Team Ninja Likes 3DS
Tecmo’s Team Ninja is excited about developing for 3DS. Speaking with Gamasutra, Team Ninja’s Yosuke Hayashi says that the hardware is paving the way for 3D:
“So, up until now, 3D has been in the realm of not an everyday experience. We think that with the 3DS, this will be the first time that anybody can get a 3D experience just about anywhere, and it will be a part of everyday life,” says Hayashi. “So, we’re trying to put out a 3D fighting game and see how that goes, and learn from that experience and go from there to see where 3D should go and how to make 3D fun and how to use that for the whole experience.”
Haayshi also says understanding how depth will work in the 3DS environment will be a work in progress for developers, that may take some time for programmers to get right.
Source: Gamasutra
Mario With Blasters?
The Super Mario Collection Special Pack released only in Japan and Europe (so far) reveals some interesting history about the first Mario side-scroller: Mario apparently was originally supposed to have a blaster gun.

In addition, Mario would also have the ability to kick, punch, and use a jet-pack power-up instead of his now-traditional arsenal of stomping and fireballs. This might Mario more similar to Mega Man, making the game… Mega Mario Bros.
Source: Andria-Sang
Good-Feel Likes Kirby in Epic Yarn
Good-Feel, developer of Kirby’s Epic Yarn, was originally making a completely original game when the thought of making Kirby the star was suggested by Nintendo.
Etsunobu Ebisu of Good-Feel says that when he originally planned the game, he thought its star already looked a bit like Kirby. “The resemblance was there, but we had thought of it on our own, and as one of the creators I was happy to see it used. So, to be honest, I had mixed feelings when Nintendo suggested using Kirby. But when we tried making Kirby out of yarn, I was surprised by how well it worked.”
Atshushi Kono of Good-Feel also says he thought using Kirby was “perfect” when he tried the game out with Kirby the first time.
Source: Nintendo
team ninja needs to stay far far away from the 3ds… all we will get is a fighter thats getting stale and 3d digital chicks playing volleyball…. well ok I guess they can develop for it
Now that Itagaki’s gone, I think Team Ninja’s going to go the way of the Actually Pretty Great companies who are above that kind of thing :P Well … maybe not so much above it as they are willing to different interpretations?
No one cares about Mega Mario Bros.? I thought that was awesome.